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Low temperature environment

Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:53 am

Anyone has experience on deploying Mikrotik wireless solutions in low temp outdoor environment?

Can MikroTik RouterBOARDs accommodate -40 C environment?

Any input are greatly appreciated.

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Re: Low temperature environment

Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:01 pm

Looking at published data, Mikrotik routerboards are only guaranteed to -20C.
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Re: Low temperature environment

Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:48 am

Yes, -20 C is the official number from MikroTik. However, they told me that they have deployment in northern Norway as well as other places where the temp. can reach -30 C during winter.

If anyone has first or second hand knowledge, please let me know.

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Low temperature environment

Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:24 am

We use them in Winnipeg where the temperature goes from -40C to +40C and they work.

Make sure you have good enclosures that will keep in the heat generated by the board itself.
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Re: Low temperature environment

Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:34 pm

In a small enclosure on a tower, the outside temperature may be -40C, but the inside temperature will be higher. I would say that Mikrotik may say they have used them in lower temperatures, but they are still not guaranteed to work below -20C, otherwise Mikrotik would be very happy to change all their sales specifications to say this and fully guarantee it. I doubt the IC's they use are guaranteed by the chip manufacturer for anything below -20C as that is a common temperature they will have been tested to. The chips Mikrotik use are not Military grade which would then have a higher guaranteed operational temperature range but of course they would also have a much higher price.

You should install low voltage thermostatically controlled enclosure heaters which can help lift the temperature inside the enclosure to more than the -40C outside. These small PTC heaters can typically be as high as 15Watts, so be careful with the choice of cable.
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Re: Low temperature environment

Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:34 pm

Peltier junctions are relatively inexpensive and operate at 12v.
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Re: Low temperature environment

Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:34 am

Peltier junctions are relatively inexpensive and operate at 12v.
A heater is cheaper and easier to use.
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Re: Low temperature environment

Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:43 am

Thanks to all that replied.

Based on what I read, my understanding is the following:

1. Mikrotik's Routerboard itself does not necessarily stand the harsh temperature of -40 C
2. But, there are scenarios where Mikrotik's Routerboards are used in -30~-40 C environments, in northern Europe or Canada.
3. The trick is to use the proper enclosure and other means to raise the temperature inside the enclosure.

Thanks again.

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Re: Low temperature environment

Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:21 am

the numbers in the papers are very rough estimates. we have acquired professional temperature chambers now, so we will be able to make the specs more realistic. correction: the devices _are_ tested for the mentioned values, but have not been tested for the actual maximum minimum, ie. they could work at 30C too. We will find out.
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Re: Low temperature environment

Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:32 pm

You should install low voltage thermostatically controlled enclosure heaters which can help lift the temperature inside the enclosure to more than the -40C outside. These small PTC heaters can typically be as high as 15Watts, so be careful with the choice of cable.
Does anyone have any links to where a person could purchase an enclosure heater?
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Re: Low temperature environment

Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:58 am

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Re: Low temperature environment

Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:45 am

We operate in colder than -40*. RBs work fine, even from a cold boot, although the radio cards may take a few minutes to appear. They often need to warm up a bit first.

We don't take any special measures, just a normal outdoor case. We stopped messing around with heaters six years ago and are really glad we did.

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Re: Low temperature environment

Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:37 am


Thanks for the sharing. Could you please let me know which Mikrotik products have you used in such a low temp environment?


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Re: Low temperature environment

Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:06 am

Peltier Junctions are super easy to impliment and all one has to do is reverse the polarity and it becomes a cooler instead of a heater.

With that said it is true that the operating temp range is more than sufficient.
Longevity isn't even a concern, as by the time the rb fails, it is time to upgrade for more features, etc.

We have not had a need for heaters or coolers, and we have operated rb532, rb133, rb600, rb333, rb433, rb493, all in outdoor case aluminum cases; In of all places Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (look it up; Hot to cold).
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Re: Low temperature environment

Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:54 am


Thanks for the sharing. Could you please let me know which Mikrotik products have you used in such a low temp environment?


Probably easier to list those we haven't used, but here goes the list we do use.

RB230, RB532, RB112, RB133 and C, RB150, RB333, RB411, RB433, RB450, RB600. We have AH versions of most of those in service too, but they haven't gone through a winter yet. Early 532s could be a little reluctant to cold boot when it gets really chilly.
