Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:34 am
May Be a BUG, but I have only noticed this in 4.X releases. On some random ( or seems random ) time, the NAtting does not work,, IE I can access all devices on my LAN side bridge, and the other Brdige for WAN, which has ether 2 as cable conenction, and Ether 3 as Voip phone ( So voip gets public IP) Basically two bridges on the 493AH, and Nat from my subnet to the WAN - Bridge.
WAN side bridge works, and LAN side bridge two, just no NAT between them. ( rule in place, just stops functioning)
I try to reboot, via winbox, and it reboots, but, same issue, No internet connectivity from LAN bridge side.
I have even restored a backup file, and same issue, what seems to fix this is a actual SHUTDOWN, then unplug power and power up again. This has happened to me about 5 times so its difficult to pinpoint where the problem was. The last one, an upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3 stopped nat right after the reboot/install Combined package. restore of a backup file did not fix it, ( backup was made via ver 4.1 ) Only power cycle device worked, other times restoring the backup and after boot fixed it.
Wierd.. Will post more detail if it happens again.
Come to think of it, I thonk this happened on ver 3.28 - 3.30. Thought it was an ISP issue, but then the tech was actually smarter then me, he said, but you said you are calling from a VOIP phone.... Ahhh Yes, so I guess Internet works.. Lan side activity works, but No NAT translation.
I do however, which I hope is not the issue, have two NAT rules for two subnets. IE Ether 1 has ip range Out Interface is Bridge - WAN, where as my Lan side Ethers 4 - 9 are on Bridge - LAN and out interface is Bridge - WAN Will two rules witht he same out interface cuase this issue?