Just to share with you my experience with trying to install and run RouterOS on ESXi 4:
When choosing "Linux" as OS, RouterOS was booting from the CD image but during the installation couldn't find a HDD to be installed on. Actually it was not finding the the (SCSI) HDD controller because RouterOS can only recognize an IDE controller!
I messed around a bit trying to figure out on how to add the appropriate driver but it didn't seem to be a straightforward way to do it (it might not even be possible).
Then, I though of not choosing Linux as the guest OS but instead, to choose an OS that would not support SCSI out-of-the-box, an OS like Windows 3.1 or Windows 98.
The HDD was presented to the guest as been an IDE drive and the RouterOS installed successfully.
I then came across another very strange problem that had to do with the NICs.
Although I could see the RouterOS host from winbox (running in another virtual host) using Layer 2, and I could proceed with configuration, I couldn't have Layer 3 communication.
Attempting to ping the RouterOS host from a host on the same (virtual) network, I was not getting a reply although I was getting a proper ARP entry on the host I was pinging from. Strange...
I found a work-around though, by performing a disconnect-connect on the NICs (from the Virtual Infrastructure Client by editing the (running) virtual host), then network was working flawlessly! Odd but nevertheless it works!