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DFS mode with radar detect

Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:52 pm

In DFS mode with "radar detect", how much time it takes to rescan again to know if the frequency is free, or once it scans and find a free channel it remains forever in that frequency even if the frequency has became used by a radar.

RouterOS 4.2 and Regulatory Domain for Portugal using 5 GHz Outdoor frequencies [5500-5700 MHz].
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Re: DFS mode with radar detect

Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:00 am

Regarding EN 301 893 , a full linkdown and rescan after 24 h is not required anymore. theoretically the link should be up until radar is detected. (detected while the link is up)

But I do not know how Mikrotik has implemented European Regulation. Maybe they still use an older version oft DFS that required a link down after at least 24 hours and a new radar detection in passive mode.

Also consider, that TPC requirement is not supported by mikrotik.
Therefore the max. Tx Power in EU is limited to 27 db (=500 mW).
With TPC support, 30 db are allowed (equals 1000 mW).