I am using hotspot on MikroTik V3.30 and my external radius server (Emerald Management suite V.5 with RadiusNT) cannot create a username with ":" as a character.
I am trying to do MAC Authentication on a private office network where bandwidth needs to be measured websites blocked and authentication has to be transparent.
I have set up the MAC Authentication on Usermanager a lot with no problems but the problem is the format that mikrotik uses for MAC addresses XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. Even if I set the => Hotspot > Server Profile > Hsprof1 > Radius > MAC Format to XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX this only shows up as the caller ID in my Radius online list but it doesn't look like that in the HotSpot hosts list. I believe this MAC Format feature is only for accounting not for Authentication. Is there a way that the MAC format used for Authentication in can be changed to "-" or "_" instead of ":"
In userman the MAC User must be set to xx:xx:... to be able to Auth all other formats are ignored as MAC's and thought of as strings for usernames. Even if I can use XXXXXXXXXXXX as MAC this would help.
Please Help!
Thanks for the link to the original forum(*thread), so I am basically stuck until ROS can be modified by the community?
Because this is a ROS issue completely i think this should be a feature request.
We should be able to define the format of MAC's as there is no standard accross platforms.
Someone from the Mikrotik Team Please answer