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management-protection failure

Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:46 am

i see a lot of wds disconnects sometimes i get management-protection failure is that a sure sing that someone is trying the disconnect hack?
its not in this log but i should not have disconects this often, signal is usually around -70db or better.

17:41:08 wireless,info 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: disconnected, received deauth: reserved (0)
17:41:14 wireless,debug debug: mesh: 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3 attempts to associate
17:41:14 wireless,info debug: 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:41:14 wireless,info 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:41:33 wireless,info debug: 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: disconnected, no beacons received
17:41:33 wireless,info 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: disconnected, no beacons received
17:41:36 wireless,info debug: mesh: data from unknown device 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5, sent deauth
17:41:36 wireless,info mesh: data from unknown device 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5, sent deauth
17:41:42 wireless,info debug: 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:41:42 wireless,info 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:42:00 wireless,info debug: 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: disconnected, received deauth: reserved (0)
17:42:00 wireless,info 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: disconnected, received deauth: reserved (0)
17:42:00 wireless,info debug: 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:42:00 wireless,info 02:0B:6B:DE:A5:E5@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:43:17 wireless,info debug: 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: disconnected, received deauth: reserved (0)
17:43:17 wireless,info 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: disconnected, received deauth: reserved (0)
17:43:18 wireless,debug debug: mesh: 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3 attempts to associate
17:43:18 wireless,info debug: 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
17:43:18 wireless,info 00:0B:6B:DE:A3:D3@mesh: connected, is AP, wants WDS
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Re: management-protection failure

Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:24 am

I got the same thing on 4.5. I ended up disabling management protection.
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Re: management-protection failure

Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:41 am

mikrotik can you give us some more detail on how to verify why management-protection failure happens?
i am trying to figure out why my 1km link is so crappy, frequent disconnects at certain times and its perfect at other times.
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Re: management-protection failure

Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:31 pm

I am having the same issue, I just busted open the loggs and it looks very similar to yours:
05:05:59 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:00 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:00 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:00 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:00 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:00 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:00 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
05:06:02 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: connected
05:06:35 system,info,account user admin logged out from via ssh
13:38:54 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: disconnected, management-protection failure
13:38:54 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:38:55 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:38:55 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:38:55 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:38:55 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:38:55 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:39:07 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: connected
13:44:45 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: disconnected, management-protection failure
13:44:45 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:44:46 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:44:46 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:44:46 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:44:46 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:44:46 wireless,info wlan1: data from unknown device 00:0C:42:61:03:75, sent deauth
13:44:58 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: connected
14:46:06 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: disconnected, group key exchange timeout
14:46:07 wireless,info 00:0C:42:61:03:75@wlan1: connected
My connection will die for about 2 minutes and then it will come back up as if nothing happened... weird. Anyone have any ideas?

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Re: management-protection failure

Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:57 am

i turned off encryption and management-protection, now everything is perfect even with sometimes low signal strength of -85db 0% package lose as to before 40% package lose with encryption and management-protection
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Re: management-protection failure

Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:16 am

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Re: management-protection failure

Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:50 pm


I have the same problem at the very same time interval. Every 6 minutes or + a few seconds. But if I am really lucky it will skip a session and drop out after 2 periods, ie 12minutes!!

This also happened on another AP but the problem suddenly went away.

This particular AP with the problem is an old wrap design with 4.5 on it.

At the client end. The reported snr is 35 and the signal is -71.
From the Ap, the snr is 28 and the signal is -78

The CPE radio log, 1st message in the disconnect sequence is :lost connection no beacons received.
The AP log, 1st message is "disconnected, management protection failure"

I have tried HW retries 4, 6,7,8,9,10...

What makes it disconnect every 6 minutes, and I note that a former post has the same disconnect periods..