I need to conect using IPSEC
I have a MIKROTIK IPSEC with FW Check Point
This are de Parameters for the FW Check Point
Phase 1 Authentication Method Pre-shared Key(se definirá por teléfono)
Encryption Scheme IKE
Diffie-Hellman Group Group2 – 1024 bit
Encryption Algorithm 3DES
Hashing Algorithm SHA1
Main or Aggressive Mode Main
Lifetime (for renegotiation) 1440 min
Phase 2 Encapsulation (ESP or AH) ESP
Encryption Algorithm 3DES
Authentication Algorithm SHA1
Perfect Forward Secrecy NO PFS
Lifetime (for renegotiation) 3600 seg
Lifesize in KB (for renegotiation) n/a
Key Exchange For Subnets? Yes