I'v connected a Hauwei E176 to a rb433uah (ROS 4.5).
What I see when I power on the RB is that in the log I see this error:
Code: Select all
00:07:25 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: initializing...
00:07:25 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: reseting link...
00:07:25 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: reseting link... - could not acquire serial port
00:07:25 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: disconnected
00:07:35 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: initializing...
00:07:35 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: reseting link...
00:07:35 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: reseting link... - could not acquire serial port
00:07:35 async,ppp,info ppp-out1: disconnected
BUT if I go to System/Reboot, then It works fine (CAN acquire serial port and connect to internet and surf with
no problems).
Everything goes OK until I power off the RB again and power on.
The error appears again until I reboot and It works.
Is this modem fully supported by RouterOs?
I will try to make a script to reboot afert power on (there is a way to detect that??)
Thanks in advance