So I've been working on modifying the hotspot code to work for my situation. Basically the issue I was running into, was people closing their browser without logging off, thus the logoff popup dissapears, and if somone jumps in before the idle time is up, the previous user is still logged in.
I resolved this issue by modifying the code on the status popup to submit the "logoff" form, via a "onbeforeunload" with javascript. This worked fine, except, when the status page refreshes, it's seen as a window close and logs off the user.
I resolved that issue, by using frames for the popup, basically I split the status popup into two seperate html files one called statustable.html and the other statusform.html. And then calling them in status.html. status.html prints the two frames, and all is well.
This seems to work wonderfully for what I am doing.
Except for one thing I can't seem to figure out.
All the info shows up in the status window for the table, such as username,IP of user, time online. The thing that doesnt show is the bytes up/bytes down. it simply shows as 0/B and 0/B. and doesnt change even when the time seems to show increments. which is odd. I've been pouring over the code for a couple hours and cant' seem to see any particular errors. I find it odd that all the other information is showing except for bytes up/bytes down.
So perhaps I dont understand exactly how its supposed to work. perhaps for some reason the usage information is blocked from statustable.html and perhaps will only be passed to status.html.
Maybe somebody can give me some insite on what I should be looking at, or somethings to try to fix it. I would much appreciate it.
Other than that, it works really great. users hit the logoff button or close the browser without hitting "logoff" and they are logged off. seems to work well across all browsers, havnt seen any other glitches so far. I can live with it, but would realllly like to figure it out.
Thanks for any insights!!!
I"m using version 3.3