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Too frequent problems with R52n (asymetric signal levels)

Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:47 pm


it happens to us that when we replace the MT box which is using R52 card with r52N one, the signal gets very assymetric. It maybe -80 RX level on the R52N card and -60 on the other side. Sometimes after a while the signal improves sometimes not. Sometimes it starts to be OK when the remote side card is replaced with r52n too. All it is rather random and we have not found the common conditions yet.

(we are not using the N protocol, just the normal 802.11a)

Does anybody have similar experiences? Or an explanation?

D. Toman
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Re: Too frequent problems with R52n (asymetric signal levels)

Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:29 pm

The R52(H) are know to blow the diversity chips resulting in a Tx/RX difference of about 15-20db. Not having worked with the N version I can't say if this is relevant or not.
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Re: Too frequent problems with R52n (asymetric signal levels)

Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:49 am

The R52(H) are know to blow the diversity chips resulting in a Tx/RX difference of about 15-20db. Not having worked with the N version I can't say if this is relevant or not.
Only if they are not installed correctly - such as powering on without an antenna connected or not using surge protectors....
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Re: Too frequent problems with R52n (asymetric signal levels)

Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:47 am

The blowing up can be reduced by using the right steps such as plugging in the antenna and powering on. We originally had a problem with this beginning of last year 09 and have and fixed it. But if the engineers that designed the cards for Mikrotik don't solve it, then it just keeps happening and the failure rate stays relatively higher than companies that have fixed it.

I'm sure there are many reasons but my guess (only my opinion) is that as margins get cheaper (and the price gets lower), there's less incentive to fix and easier to replace the units, and the number of people complaining relative to the actual sales is too low to matter too much for the factories (support and warranty is entirely a different issue, I'm sure the warranty programs for other manufacturers is descent)