Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:39 pm
One unit can, one antenna can never...
Compare it with speech and listen
Your head, is the unit.
Your ear (ok we have two, but lets say we have one) is one antenna, that can only listen. (Rx) Never make sound. Your mouth on the other end only makes sound (Tx), it can never listen,.
In radio technology the ´ears´ are very sensitive to pick up even the lowest signals (=sound) while the biggest shouters with highest volume is heard longest distance away.
In real radio world the ´sound´ (radio wave) produced by the mouth (transmitter) can be so loud that the eardrum (receiver) gets damaged.
Now, our head has so much cpe power (brain) that even if we shout out load we probably still are able to pick up signals coming from our ears. And when listening we can at the same time speak.
But this is only because we actually have two sound (radio) circuits. One for listening and one for producing sound. Our very powerfull brain (compared to a cpu) can handle both.
In radio tech the same happens. Some dual circuit radio's have the option to do both Rx and Tx at the same time but if the internal oscillator that produces the radio wave (and need the same to ´hear´ the incoming radio wave) has to serve both circuits basically this can only be done in a switching process. One time slot the oscillator produces a wave to send, the next it oscillates with the incoming signal.
This is simple or near-duplex.
Only units that have two oscillators in separate circuits can do a full duplex job. But actually we talk already two radio's now. It might be both are controlled by one CPU, but the technical characters of the radio which makes something ´a radio´ is double. Thus two radios.
But actually we are discussing the meaning of words here. What you refer to is a dual radio unit called ´a radio´.
I have a TV satellite receiver, called "a satellite receiver" but actually is has two receivers in it, to pick up the signal from two satellites at the same time. But if I order the same unit in the shop I will not order two receivers, I order one.