I'm working on a RouterBoard 433UAH. I'm trying (and with a relatively success) to run a more complex linux system on it. I know Mikrotik don 't support other software than RouterOS, but, in my case, i'm using only your hardware. I need some things that RouterOS can't do, like a NAS, and run a full webserver, mysql... etc..
Point is, i.m using an OpenWRT kernel and a OpenWRT Filesystem. But i have a problem with the kernel. I need to activate all the ETH ports (only one works actually) and the MMC controler (the MicroSD card is not recognized). The rest works fine, i have a full install of the soft i need.
If anyone can, i need the set of the kernel lastest RouterOS is using, so i can get ETHs and MMC to work.
Routerboards are great, the hard is amazing, and with some mods are really versatile. If i can get the hard full recognized, my job can be finished. If anyone are interested in this, i can post more details.
Thanks in advance.