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ospf - non-broadcast network type

Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:10 pm

suggestion for next os release: non-broadcast for ptp and ptmp network types (can be done in Cisco so I'm guessing it can be done in MT ;)
that would allow specify neighbors for ptp and/or ptmp network types and use unicast tcp instead multicast udp (and that would help on wlan interfaces)...
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:38 pm

You already can set up non broadcast networks, here is an example
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:36 pm

true - but that's only for nbma network type.
what I'd like to see is point-to-multipoint and point-to-point nonbroadcast network types (I know - they're not in RFC, they're Cisco "invented"...)
They would be very useful as they don't need DR election process, they don't need broadcast/multicast as they use unicast TCP. The only thing they need is manual neighbor specification but I'm OK with this as long as I can avoid broadcast/multicast...
And I think these network type could be useful in wireless environment...
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:30 am

isn't it about NBMA?
To reduce the amount of Hello traffic, most routers attached to NBMA subnet should be assigned Router Priority of 0 (set by default in RouterOS). Routers that are eligible to become Designated Routers should have priority values other than 0. It ensures that during election of DR and BDR Hellos are sent only to eligible routers.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:06 am

no... NBMA is perfectly fine and works as expected.
what I'm talking about is point-to-point (very different from nbma) and point-to-multipoint (again - very different from nbma). Both these network types don't use DR/BDR and have other nice features (eg. /32 automatic routes for neighbors in the case of ptmp). The only "problem" is that they both use multicast for their hello packets (just enable ospf logging and you'll see that).
I'd be very happy if Mikrotik included "non-broadcast" option for both these network types (ptp and ptmp) - just as Cisco does (ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-boradcast). That would allow us to avoid multicast and only use unicast (which would be beneficial in wireless environment).
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:03 pm

no... NBMA is perfectly fine and works as expected.
what I'm talking about is point-to-point (very different from nbma) and point-to-multipoint (again - very different from nbma). Both these network types don't use DR/BDR and have other nice features (eg. /32 automatic routes for neighbors in the case of ptmp). The only "problem" is that they both use multicast for their hello packets (just enable ospf logging and you'll see that).
I'd be very happy if Mikrotik included "non-broadcast" option for both these network types (ptp and ptmp) - just as Cisco does (ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-boradcast). That would allow us to avoid multicast and only use unicast (which would be beneficial in wireless environment).
I enabled logging for ospf in the mikrotik. How do I see if its unicast or multicast. I am using Point to Point. I just want to learn how. Thanks.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:26 pm

no... NBMA is perfectly fine and works as expected.
what I'm talking about is point-to-point (very different from nbma) and point-to-multipoint (again - very different from nbma). Both these network types don't use DR/BDR and have other nice features (eg. /32 automatic routes for neighbors in the case of ptmp). The only "problem" is that they both use multicast for their hello packets (just enable ospf logging and you'll see that).
I'd be very happy if Mikrotik included "non-broadcast" option for both these network types (ptp and ptmp) - just as Cisco does (ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-boradcast). That would allow us to avoid multicast and only use unicast (which would be beneficial in wireless environment).
has anyone from the developer team read this? i believe this is a very useful feature, because multicast pakets on wireless suck and loosing ospf pakets because there sent via multicast sucks even more.. especially since if a single paket is lost, the md5 authentication won't work until the neighbor goes down..

a cisco like fast hello would be a nice feature too ;-)
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:39 pm

I changed my network to unicast ospf and it works great.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:15 pm

how exactly did you do that?

when i change the network type to nbma and add the nbma neighbors, it seems to work for maybe two hours and after that no routes will be exchanged. i tested only on ptp links. do i have to set a priority to make it work? i left it at zero.

i think the problem is, that the router want to elect a dr, which makes afaik no sense for a ptp link.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:01 pm

yes you need the priority as 1 for the backhauls and the aps set to 0. This way your backhauls are the designated router. Call me if you want.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:17 pm

I enabled logging for ospf in the mikrotik. How do I see if its unicast or multicast. I am using Point to Point. I just want to learn how. Thanks.
If the SEND packet is -> 224.0.0.X, it is multicast. With a point-to-point network type, all your OSPF traffic will be multicast.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:23 pm

has anyone from the developer team read this? i believe this is a very useful feature, because multicast pakets on wireless suck and loosing ospf pakets because there sent via multicast sucks even more.. especially since if a single paket is lost, the md5 authentication won't work until the neighbor goes down..

a cisco like fast hello would be a nice feature too ;-)
Seconded. I'd love to have the pure unicast features of nbma with the simplicity of not having DR/BDR on a backhaul that ptmp gives.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Tue May 04, 2010 9:16 pm

i've configured NBMA with static neighbors... it works good... :D
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Wed May 05, 2010 4:55 pm

me too, works great. Better than ever.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:48 am

dallas, have you disabled forwarding on AP?
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:28 pm

No, but still everything works great.
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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Fri May 11, 2012 11:48 pm

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Re: ospf - non-broadcast network type

Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:36 pm

Do you have any questions.