I someone could help me out...
I have a script running on all of my ap-bridges, that checks if the wireless interface is running every 5 minutes. Don't ask me why

The problem is that i schedule this script in the scheduler every 5 minutes, and works great. BUT ... when when I reboot the ap-bridge the script doesn't run anymore. I have to change the date and time manually for each schedule to let it work again. Ofcourse this is a 2 minute job, but I want to let the schedule do his job automatically after a reboot.
I use a public time server on every ap-bridge. is this the problem? when the ap-bridge has been reset, it uses the time and date 1 jan 2000 for some seconds, and then 'reset's to the actual time and date.
I hope someone can help me out with this. I use versions 2.8.20 untill 2.8.28 on several ap-bridges.
thanks in advance,