Hi all -
Running ROS 3.24 on RB1000 in a data center setting, routing traffic to/from client VLANs via a network of L2 switches. I have a couple of clients in my network who occasionally seem to create or receive little "packet storms": brief bursts of traffic that are moderate in terms of Mbps but enormous in terms of the PPS increase through the router. For instance, one of the clients today had a brief burst that registered under 30Mbps data rate, but pushed the router's PPS from it's typical 10K to nearly 100K, and as you can imagine it put quite a load on the CPU as well. This particular router is typically moving 50-100Mbps in both directions and registers a PPS of about 8K to maybe 12K to do it, so I can only surmise that these burst represent a brief "storm" of *very* small packets that really tax my router. Here's the graphs of his traffic, PPS on the router, and CPU on the router:
Unfortunately, when I contact the client to ask if he has any idea what it was all about, he just shrugs. The other one is of the type where I would not even waste my breath asking. So as a mitigating measure, is there something I can do to tell the router to just drop/ignore any packets that are less then a specified size? Failing that, how about limting the maximum packet rate in some way? The last time this happened with this client, it taxed the router severely enough that I experience bad latency throughout my network and clients complained...