This online utility is only accessible online from within your account, and will show the contents of the supout.rif file. Things available are configuration export, logs, resource info, registration tables, connections, license info and others.
This utility will provide great help for those who help others, consultants, distributors, ISPs.
Be careful! Don't give your supout.rif files to people who can't see your configuration and inner workings of your network. Although passwords are hidden, some sensitive information can still be seen!
The Supout.rif viewer can open up to five files at the same time, so you can switch between tabs and compare them. The files will be kept in their opened tabs even if you switch your computers, so you can keep a file there as long as you want. When you want to free the tab, just close it, and the file will be gone forever.
If you find any issues with the viewer, please post here, or email support.