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Two gateways

Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:56 pm

I have a issue with two gateway.I have two Internet Access Links, and I wann't to use both of them, but they are not equal in bandwidth, one is twice as another.
How to use both of them, with priority or any other possible solution.
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Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:18 pm

simply add two default gateways like this
ip route> add gateway=x.x.x.x,t.t.t.t
or if you like priority for one of them, then like this
ip route> add gateway=x.x.x.x,t.t.t.t,t.t.t.t
read more in the manual:
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Two Gateways

Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:01 pm

Hi Normis,

I know about : ip route> add gateway=x.x.x.x,t.t.t.t, but then I get full of ussage of small bandwidth, but I can not understand the code :
ip route> add gateway=x.x.x.x,t.t.t.t,t.t.t.t, with priority.
Can you please detailed explain me what is indicating last t.t.t.t
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Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:11 am

For each packet, gateway is determined (or maybe even precalculated, I do not know that far...) based on IP pair of the packet (src, dst). The list of gateways is this list. That means that equal number od IP pairs will be assigned to each of the enties you put in this list. Having gateway=x.x.x.x,t.t.t.t,t.t.t.t means that one third of all IP pairs will go through the x.x.x.x gateway, and two thirds through the t.t.t.t.
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Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:35 pm

Thanks for the help,

The new routing is working without any problem, but the MSN messenger it having a problem.
Lots of time it disconnect the users and they should login again.I assume the problem is becuase of two gateways, and each gateway is different provider, and use different routes.
What is your opinion about this.
Every good solution is welcomed.

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Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:42 am

You can find out which range of IP's MSN is using (public IP's) and than route all msn requests to one gw only :) (make some other routing tables besides main).
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Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:14 pm

I think maybe the solution is to redirect the msn messenger port to the right gateway.
It is hard to know to msn IP range of IP, if somebody know please let me know.
Anyway how to redirect all MSN messenger traffic (1863) to right gateway.
I am trying without success.
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Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:36 pm

I don't know if you can do like that, couse for example port 1863 and MSN have more than 1 ip's so it wont connect to certain ip by any rule, so I don't know if NAT will work for this.

P.S. Also if users want to cam/mic eachother they do connect directly one with other so the idea I told is to route only those packets necessary for basic communication, not for file transf., voice, video etc, so just for begining msn, seeing who is on/off line, talking in text and similar 'simple' things. Also do not forget that MSN uses ports 1863 also 80 (or proxy port-it will take from IExplorer) for initializing connection.