I see that others have asked about this, but it's been a while. I'm wondering how I can get, or actually how to make it show up automagically... the
AP Name, Frequency, Signal Strength
Some of my links are showing it, but not all of them. I'm using a fair share of Tranzeo stuff still, and I don't expect it to show up on those, but the Mikrotik unit's I have, I would like it to. Here's a link that show's it like I think it should be, as well as one that doesn't show all of the info.
Any ideas, folks? I've tried makeing sure the User/pass is all correct, I'm using "default" snmp, as well as i've tired v1 and v2. I've also tried removing them and re-adding them. I've also tried ROUTEROS vs. SNMP for Mastering type, as well as trying different Link Types. Nothing seems to work.
I also saw apost that said something about fonts... tried that with no success.
Thanks for you help, DUDE!!