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Smarter Queues - timing

Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:28 am


So, I have bunch of queues, and I have graphs enabled for those, on top of those queues I got one que which is set to 0 (no limit), and I activate/deactivate that que by schedule so my clients can have unlimited speed over night, but, when I do this, I am automatically loosing graphs of my users because the first que 'no limit' is active and not leting to reach to other queues.

Now, I can make biiiiiig script with making each que with 0/0 limit, but it is a little bit stupid :P, so it will be very usefull queues in the future to have 'timing' so default speed is x, and other speed will be reached on given time, or can anyone make script so it can change limits of each queue 'for i=0 to allques/.../next' heheh also it will be nice that script do check string Name so if it begins with lets say 'Download-' it will change only those queues.

I know this is time consuming but probably not only I have this request.

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