Would like some feedback/suggestions on some problems I'm having creating a point to point link.
EQUIPMENT: Two RB433AH Routerboards w/ 3.27 firmware & R5H wireless cards.
PATH PROFILE: 42km (26mi). Clear Fresnel and -100 or better noise floor
ANTENNAS & CABLES: 10ft Andrew Parabolic (V pol) waveguide dishes w/ WR137 (5.9-7.0GHz) waveguide
CONFIGURATION: AP Bridge (unit #1) & Station (unit #2).
OTHER INFO: Radios share the waveguide with 6.9GHz microwave feed (single duplex). There are no bandpass filters installed. This same link w/ TrangoLink-45 radios @ 5.8GHz produces astable 28mbps link with no packet loss & 2-3ms round trip ping times.
I have been trying for a week to get this link stable with RB433AHs and R5Hs radios. I do not know alot about Mikrotiks, but I am not completely clueless either. I can get the radios to see each other at default power with a fluctuating -45 to -60 signal strength. The CCQ is the problem. The links barely stay stable and often completely die only to reconnect later. Rx CCQ (on the station) is often 90%+ but Tx is very low (20-40%). I have tried lower power, raising power, Nstreme, CSMA off, increasing time-out intervals, using only 6mbps rates, changing frequency, etc. Nothing helps. Often the radios will simply not authenticate and/or associate with each other. Other times they fail with the message "disconnected, extensive data loss"
I would be blaming my waveguide setup but the Trangos perform beautifully at 5.8GHz on this same exact link. The RouterOS reports fluctuating signal strength on one half of the link which could be slightly misaligned dishes due to the original purpose of the link only being one-way traffic. But again, the Trangos had no problem.
One issue in the back of my mind is my original test of the R5H units on my bench. I directly connected the radios to each other (with a LMR400 cable) at default power which (after reading posts on burnout issues of the R5H) makes me worry they are damaged. I just received two new R52N radios today and plan on testing them later this week. Should I be considering XR5 radios instead? I originally thought the R5H was the best for long-distance performance but maybe I was mistaken?
I can provide screenshots of my configuration or link status, etc. I am pulling my hair out trying to get this link stable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.