I want remotely connect to dude DB over SDK(e.g. eclipse) or make dblink in my oracle DB with Dude sqlite DB.
Before asking you should google on how to connect to sqlite database from network.
Gsandul, thanks, but i know how connect to SQlite DB over Eclipse (JDBC driver). But this is not a priority.
Priority is DBlink with Oracle. How make DBlink i also know. =)
It is locked when The Dude is started, you can not access it
This is useful information, thanks. Forgot add the comment about that necessary when TheDude is active. In Russian It was understood in the context...
About python widget - i know about it, but that widget works with DB on localhost,SMB, or, if you works in *nix through SFTP(if i not mistaken. Not test over sftp). i want find some API in Dude, wich allow to communicate with other DB's and software solutions and make reverse exchange for read and write. For example - I have softsolution for monitoring network, backend is Oracle 10,2g. In this system was realised troubleticket module, reports system (Oracle PL/SQL + XML), self fully-functional scripting language based on JS, self html interpretator, etc. And i want extract information from Dude of Outages in my system, after that automatically make analyze that information. And this is only the peak of the iceberg of opportunities, which will give network-access to the database. I think you,
gsandul, understand what I mean, despite the difficulties of translation of my bad English.