The same problem on 5 links with different distances (1 km - 40 km), with different cards (R52H, XR5, Alfa AWPCI085h), with zero interference.....
To rule out Interference then as i mentioned previously is to use a sprectum analyzer, till then you cannot know for sure if you have zero interference?
..... All links withe Nstreme and WDS. Great signals (-65, -70), great bandwith (28 Mbps for 40 km) but badly unstable - few disconnects in day. Usualy it tooks about 25-30 seconds, but sometimes (fortunately rarely) such disconnects may continue several hours. I tried differnet versions of RoS from 3.30 to 4.10 and I know that 5beta cannot resolve this problem. I have only one stable link without such disconnects. The only difference from the rest ver. of RoS 3.22 on one side and 3.25 on another. I think this will be my next step to try.
I had cpe's losing association intermittenly one evening and on the AP freq scan usage and signal to noise was almost the same as the other channels,i moved freq and problem disappeared?
Differening vintages of ROS each end.
The only difference from the rest ver. of RoS 3.22 on one side and 3.25 on another. I think this will be my next step to try.
To eliminate issues which may occur with using differening vintages, versions use one only version of ROS on the network?
I am using 3.30, nstreme but not using WDS, routed network with almost no bridging, which is working very good for me