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Dude won't install from microSD on RB433AH

Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:20 pm

This morning I fitted a 4GB microSD card to an RB433AH, formatted it, FTP'd into it and uploaded Dude to it.

As you can see below, the file is sitting on the microSD card.
I can reboot the router until I'm blue in the face, Dude doesn't install.
So my question is, how do I get Dude to install on the microSD card and run from there?

There isn't enough space on the router's inbuilt storage for me to install Dude there. When I upload the file to the router, 55MB of space is taken up and Dude stops during install with a "not enough space" error message.
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Re: Dude won't install from microSD on RB433AH

Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:52 am

i want to do the same, install dude on micro sd on rb433ah
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Re: Dude won't install from microSD on RB433AH

Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:10 pm

I'm not sure it's a good idea to install dude on such a small device.

Tests i've done with dude on such a device show that it can crash very easily as soon as you are asking memory hungry tasks like networks discovery.

I advice you to install dude agents on a Windows server.

More MicroSD implementation on RB devices is very slow and unreliable. Many users have problems with it if you watch here in the forum. I tested it and i got the same problems (on RB450G).

As soon as you write on the card, processor rise to 100%.

It does use serial peripheral interface bus (SPI) without DMA. This is a simple protocol not really adapted to Megabyte file tranfers. it has been designed for simple interconnections on embedeed devices, but a Linux router with dude is more than a small embedeed device...

In the opposite, Windows machines have a lot more memory and have IDE or SATA very fast and reliable disk memory access.
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Re: Dude won't install from microSD on RB433AH

Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:52 pm

you can't do it this way. to use the micro-sd card, you have to configure System->Store