I have a large event which will I will be delivering Wireless Hotspots to @ 500 people over 5 days.
People will be sold service for 2 hrs. 4 hours, 1 day, 3 days and 5 days.
With basically 6 AP's all on same lan or not? serving wireless clients.
Any suggestions as to best way to limit/maximize DHCP addresses. I'd like to have @ 200 always available.
If people are purchasing 2 hours time. I'd like to be able to free up that used IP for the next user over a 4 day period.
I've considered adding a vlan on Hotspot box/router.
Or running each AP in router mode?
Additionaly. By changing lease times down to @ 2 hours.
How does that affect the overhead on CPU.
And what is proper setting for time to store leases on Hard drive?
Hope someone can make sense of this.