Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:59 pm
They are not shiny white like a mac. They are sort of a satin finish white, like an old microsoft keyboard or mouse. I've got a few indoors that are working great.
The problem ones have been in metal 1x1x2 foot outdoor cabinets (outdoors of course). Ethernet status stays 10/100 according to the backhaul radio (Alvarion 5.8 VL) going into ether1. The RB750 is unreachable though, disappears off the arp tables, ip neighbors, etc.. The box generally contains UPS, Mikrotik RB, 2 Alvarion POE units and doesn't generate much heat. Traffic is pretty tame, sporadically getting a few mbit, but usually 500kbps or less. Repowering is a temporary fix. We use 3.30 firmware.
Temps range from 0f to 30f, but can be windy because of being in a place with a good view like on the edge of ocean or lake. We have traditionally used 433 or 433ah for this sort of thing, but we often don't need the wireless slots, so a simple ethernet router is just the ticket. We have had no trouble with the 750g or the 433/433ah.
One recent changeout required a $200 private boat ride and a half day's labor to swap. The most recent changeout required me to drive 3 hours in the middle of a 3-day long blizzard, on my day off. When the stakes are like that, spending more $ for the next router up is inconsequential if it works.