We have two x 200Mbit Internet connections, going to two x 1Gbit, need to use BGP, VLANs, dedicated subnetworks and firewalls for customers, etc.
We've already tried Routeros under VMware and we feel unsatisfied about performances.
We are uncertain if going to use hardware like Proliant and forget MetaRouter, or going to RB1000/1100 and adopt metarouter.
Actually, we are not able to have data/opinions on following topics:
- - rb1000-rb1100: real performances of these boxes; how many Gbit/pkts can be handled?
- - can these boxes handle routing, BGP and filtering rules without any degradation?
- - metarouter: we are not able to understand real performances and security of metarouter: which is the penalty in performance of using metarouters? Is there any security issue?