Hi, does the Routerboard 532 support 2 superrange2 at the same time?. Thanks!

The system will handle up to three 'SR' cards, but in my personal experience more than one SR2 at full power in a single enclosure will have severe cross-talk issues, even on channels 1/11. I personally haven't tried multiple SR5's in the same chassis. I'd guess there could be a crosstalk with the american '5.8' allocation (only 100mhz wide) but you may be able to use 2-3 in the european bandplan...
SR2/5's draw 1.3A@3.3v on full-power transmit, the RB500 can supply up to 4.5A@3.3v.
At full load I'd estimate you'd need at least a 20 watt power supply, preferably 24v or higher (higher voltage will greatly help with long POE runs) if you actually expect to draw that much current.