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XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:32 pm

I have tried everything I did find searching this forum trying to make local game play using XBox 360 but failed.

Basically, I am running a hotspot through wireless, but when players on XBox try to create games and join in,
they do see each other names but are not able to enter into the game.

they go through 4 sections,
section 1 ok
section 2 ok
section 3 ok
section 4 error "unable to connect to host.

note: we tried making a home access point to connect players wirelessly, still was unable but when on wire through a hub, it was ok.

i would appreciate any help..
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:48 am

Please guys, this is so important to solve...

I forgot to mention, is there a way for XBox gamers to use the the wireless without needing to login to hotspot
since this type of gaming is only from friends in the neighborhood?

Also, they are connected to my wireless through Nanostation 2, set as a bridge.. should it be set as router
clone mac --- anything that needed to be changed on the nanostation to make this type of gaming possible?

another thing: i did enable the "upnp", but i thought it should add some lines into NAT and Firewall, but it did not
add anything at all... anything i need to add manually?

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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:08 pm

Is the forwarding checkbox set on the AP? so that the "clients" can forward packets to each other?.
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:33 pm

If it is a local game, you do not need UPNP. UPNP will add dynamic rules under NAT section of firewall.

A diagram may help.
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:58 am

I have enabled default forward on the wireless AP.

The strange thing is when the player try to join in to a game, they actually do see their names,
but when they try to pass the connections steps, as 1 2 3 on the forth step they get:
"error: unable to connect to host".
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:39 pm

I am still waiting for a solution... anyone please?
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:18 am

I haven't tried this lately.
/ip firewall filter
add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=accept

Then use "move" to place it above the "place hotspot rules here" line.
move 5 1
moves the entry on line 5 to line 1.

ADD: And to be honest, I can't remember whether this worked, or the entry in "/ip hotspot walled-garden ip".
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:14 pm

well, still no luck....

could this be related to Nanostation 2 not having upnp?
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:23 am

This would be painfully easy to understand, but you need to offer some more detail. Primarily, how is the network between the two Xboxes?

You had mentioned they see each others' names. I'm guessing that's done multi/broadcast. Connected to the boxes will be unicast. You have hotspot on.

GUESS: Both Xboxes are being caught by the hotspot. You need to make an ip-binding bypass for both of them.
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:27 pm


users get ip information automatically.
by allowing default forward on wireless they can ping each other too.
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:43 pm

Make sure that the NS2s are in bridge mode and you may need WDS.

How do you know the Xboxes can ping each other?
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:17 pm

Ping: we hooked up a laptop on both ends and all pings were replied back.

NS2 is set on Bridge mode... I don't know if i really need to set it up as WDS for this kind of need..

thanks a lot,,
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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:44 pm

I am having a similar dilemma. I have an access point which is an RB411AH with an R52H radio card connected to an 8dBi 2.4 omni. The clients connect via the wireless in their laptops, PC's or Xboxes. I have no wired connections other than in the hotspot box to the POE and backhaul. The backhaul is connected to my provided internet service.

The dilemma is that I have a few people who want to use there Xbox on Xbox live, but Xbox doesn't support HTTP logins for authentication (as far as I know) since this AP is setup using hotspot. I need a way to let the Xboxes bypass the hotspot, but block all other traffic.

For the author of this post and his question, I don't think WDS is going to work in your case because you are trying to use WDS on Ubiquiti to connect to Mikrotik WDS, according to your drawing. WDS as I understand it, is not compatible between vendors. I do however believe that is part of your issue. Right now your Nanostations are acting as pseudo bridges which do not pass mac-addresses behind the device. If you are bridging it, then all traffic looks like the Nanostation. For what you are doing, I think the Xbox is loosing connection because it can't identify correctly to the other Xbox because the Nanostation is getting confused.

For what you are doing, you should set the Nanostation up as a router and then for testing, DMZ the Xbox. Do this at both locations and then try again. I think this will work because you are routing to the Xbox and the DMZ will traverse the NAT. You no longer care about Mac addresses at this level. Now, if you are doing NAT at your hotspot, this will create a Double Nat situation where they will most likely have problems while playing Xbox Live. They will not be able to host a game from Xbox live. In order for them to do that, you will need to forward ports to one of the Xboxes. You can't do both, so only one would be able to work. Unless you have multiple public IP addresses at your RB.

Why don't they just make Xbox do STUN or something similar to traverse these issues? Oh well, guess we can't always get what we want.

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Re: XBox 360 local game play - Wireless

Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:57 am

Ping: we hooked up a laptop on both ends and all pings were replied back.

NS2 is set on Bridge mode... I don't know if i really need to set it up as WDS for this kind of need..

thanks a lot,,
I am certain you need to enable WDS for this situation. Without it you are not able to pass the broadcast packets correctly and hence the games will not see each other. I confirmed this myself months ago with an NS2.