for future RouterBOARDs, usb power reset allows you to reboot a 3G modem without rebooting the router. This will also help the modems, that can't load normally upon reboot.>added USB power reset feature
Will this address the issues we have been having with USB GSM Modems?
in the RouterOS big packageWhere is the nv2 package for 4.13?
It is included in combined packages, but not in "all_packages".Where is the nv2 package for 4.13?
I've downgraded two 5.0rc3 machines with NV2 and 4.13 is working fine up to this moment.Has anyone else had a chance to check out nv2?
I agree, 2 versions in almost one week...Hmm should be interesting to see in the lab, I wonder whats *actually* changed in this version
because it was supported only in 5.x until v4.13 =)Uldis: Why did you write that NV2 is supported only in version 5.x?
I've found it best to test with TCP, its always more stable altho lower result and closer to what you get in the real world, UDP makes up 20-30% of our network's traffic as an ISP. When NV2 came our in ROS 5 we tested it on a 5km link and whilst we saw a 29% increase in UDP throughput we only saw a 6% increase in TCPI did some test last night and today with NV2 on MT 4.13. The test has been done on an inoperational, 18 km long link with plain CM9's, Hyperlink's 29dBi grids and RB433AH's on both sides, using 40 Mhz channels, in presence of high freq congestion on both sides.
I haven't had the chance to do a real-life test, but with UDP i got 72 Mbps Tx / 65 Mbps Rx, comparing to 48 / 42 Mbps without NV2. There is however a significant increase in latency which is not what I expected after reading wiki on NV2. That is the only downside I stumbled upon
We contact support quite often, As I said in my last post all recent tickets have been "Please install ROS 5.0RC 1" which is totally and utterly unacceptable in a production enviroment.If you have found bugs, or problems that you need fixed, please contact support. Fighting with other forum users will not help.
I agree with you on TCP test part. UDP gives far from a real life traffic results. So, even before seeing your reply, I did a test on live PTP link. Here are the link specs:
I've found it best to test with TCP, its always more stable altho lower result and closer to what you get in the real world, UDP makes up 20-30% of our network's traffic as an ISP. When NV2 came our in ROS 5 we tested it on a 5km link and whilst we saw a 29% increase in UDP throughput we only saw a 6% increase in TCP
because it was supported only in 5.x until v4.13 =)Uldis: Why did you write that NV2 is supported only in version 5.x?
I fully second all this.You're post would make sense if there was much to configure, NV2 gives us cell size and slot size. My concern is not that we didnt get a magic boost out of a simple upgrade my concern is the quality of builds coming out of MT lately.
4.13 installed on a CPE with the wireless package (not wireless-nv2) showed 8db decrease and instability in a link that was stable for atleast 9 months.
I agree there are alot of users around who have unrealistic views about NV2 and how it will magically make a bad link better but 4.13 is unstable and hard to test since all changes made to it aren't released in the changelog.
NV2 might be a change but upgrading a stable link to it gives you 2 extra options to play with, NV2's features are incomplete (WDS, Pseudobridge etc) and fairly untested, I cant fathom what was going thru MT's head when they decided to backport it to ROS 4 when they have publicly said a number of times it couldn't be done
I think Mikrotik are moving too fast and focusing on things that aren't needed, We went from 2.9.51 being the last to 3.30 being the last and now ROS 4 looks like is going to end around 4.15-4.20. We get multiple builds a month with incomplete change logs and MT support telling us to deploy unreleased or beta software to production sites. Get told a bug has been fixed in 4.x and its not in the change log which makes us wonder what else has been changed which leads us to having to test for weeks on end all the features to confirm they will upgrade fine, Then a week after this is done another versions out fixing some flaw in the version we just deployed.
MT should pull NV2 from ROS 4, work on getting the many bugs out of ROS 4 and keep ROS 5 in the cooker for a while, Its nowhere near RC status, ROS should be delayed untill NV2 has a full feature set and is tested more, Work on the v6 side of things and the routing issues, Release ROS 5 as a flagship and don't EOL it a year after release
Thanks for the vote of support, your point about the stable version is very vaild and I had not thought of it from that view point. It also makes it very difficult for us to get the bug fix's we need when major changes like NV2 are introducedWhat kind of impression do we get from ´stable´ version 4.12 that is being followed up by 4.13 only two days later?
Highest order number of stable version should only be increased if newer versions in same family have been proven not to produce new problems.
So make it a 4.12rc or 4.13rc and only after some weeks after the user community didn't really produce new issues change that version into 4.13s ("s"= stable)
Most user should rely on the qualification on the website that a "stable" version is ´stable´ to some extend. Most users will update their rb's to newer 'stable' versions relatively soon. If I want to play with new ´development´ versions I will pick these and test and see how they work for me. But a new version that is sold as "stable" and brings a new feature with big promises should be able to use without too much worries fm users if indeed the version is ´stable´.
I think he is in the majority thenYou seem to be a mascot of MT's buggy and unstable lets-add-something-new-midrelease dept
we had far more people wanting nv2 in v4 than people complaining about it now. plus there were some other reasons I can't disclose now.Hey I'm all for you guys taking request, I wish you'd take more (ipv6 wink wink nudge nudge) but why on earth would you decide to deploy nv2 backwards mid ROS 4?
Are you really that sure it was ready despite posting of issues all over here? Please roll back whatever changes you did in 4.13 to make nv2 work, We need the routing crash fix's but normal wireless is buggy now
no, main reason was a different one.So public pressure for a feature that's unstable has caused you to release it in it's unstable stable state. Tough position, But ours is now tougher as we face routing crash's that we cant fix until wireless is stable again in ROS 4. What do we do? Do I forward all client complaints to your phone number?
Did you actually notice that nv2 package is a separate install, completely optional, and not affecting anything unless you actually install it??I can respect that but please answer my question, What do we do to fix routing crash's now that wireless is unstable? I'm stuck between a rock and a very ticked off boss
not possibleAnd did you see that I posted that in the few CPE it was installed in we didn't activate NV2 package and suffered from a 5-8db signal drop and EDL disconnects with the normal wireless package, Roll back to 4.10 and everything is fine
Ticket #2010110466000286not possibleAnd did you see that I posted that in the few CPE it was installed in we didn't activate NV2 package and suffered from a 5-8db signal drop and EDL disconnects with the normal wireless package, Roll back to 4.10 and everything is fine
I've got the same problem. RB600A reboots unexpectedly with 4.13 + nv2. Sent info to support.Just to jump in with a warning ... It appears that MT 4.13 + NV2 npk are causing RB600 to freeze. This is not yet confirmed and 100% sure, but if you plan on putting 4.13 + NV2 on RB600, take caution.
We'll see what will be reply from MT support.
Normis,Did you actually notice that nv2 package is a separate install, completely optional, and not affecting anything unless you actually install it??I can respect that but please answer my question, What do we do to fix routing crash's now that wireless is unstable? I'm stuck between a rock and a very ticked off boss
True, and it will come back until things improve.And here it goes, another topic about "stable" and "unstable"
Humanity rode horses to go from A to B. Worked for years...I can suggest:
1) if router is working for you with v3.30, v4.2 or v4.11 - stay with this version, ignore new releases
Imho everybody is looking for better links to their clients and more clients per tower. In the end we all need the best the ROS can offer.2) if you don't need nv2 in v4.x - don't use it.
You only have to read all that has been written on the ´n´ protocol from cheering lads that had links running at incredible speeds only to find out in real live these promised were hard to achieve. Off course every sensible user puts a new OS on a non production unit but that doesn't give much guarantees about what happens in the real production environment. The only ´real lab´ is the real world![/quote]3) have a test network in lab or on backup links, test releases there before applying to real-life environment.
This statement makes no sense. Most of us are new with MT so never used to work with other systems and the once that did came to MT because their old proprietary software running equipment lacked support or capacity. MT is still a good OS and support is not bad. Better then many ´big´ names in the industry. But that doesn't mean improvement can't be wished...I can understand you frustration if you are used to heavy proprietary software with heavy price-tag and huge support system.
currently used v4.1/v4.2 has TrafficFlow bug (it suddenly stops exporting), and somewhere around v4.6 MT fix that and broke API session logout (so we have +1000 hung sessions per day) - what version should we use, is we want both things working?..1) if router is working for you with v3.30, v4.2 or v4.11 - stay with this version, ignore new releases
This is a good example, why i have hard time see something "constructive" here. (double karma decrease, and making things personal)Dont bring you logic hereWe're in the same boat with the OSPF bug causing full routing crash's. Macgaiver doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between "crying" and constructive criticism, He's quite happy to roll over and accept the path we're heading down with ROS
I think there are very good reasons why nv2 is in v4, i as far as i can see it we have just enough time to check it and get it into shape that is working for us before MUM Europe.we had far more people wanting nv2 in v4 than people complaining about it now. plus there were some other reasons I can't disclose now.
Known problems that caused OSPF to crash are fixed and these fixes were backported to v4.13. If you still have OSPF crashes with v4.13 then you have to contact support with new supout files. Have you previously contacted support about OSPF problems, can you give a ticket number?Dont bring you logic hereWe're in the same boat with the OSPF bug causing full routing crash's.
Detailed described in voltage monitor ROS 4.13 on RB/433UAH
28 v fixed when the source is 14.4 v
I see you've ignored the bit where I showed you 4.13 normal wireless is worse than 4.10 wirelessguys, stop fighting!
as I said, nobody is forcing any new packages on you. ignore the package, and everything will be the same. no other files were changed, the package is completely separate.
So you dont see the posts where I asked for specific things in IPv6 or in here where I asked why nv2 has been backported after MT have said it wasn't possible, Or where I asked for more complete change logs to assist us in version testing etc etc. Double karma decrease because all you tell those who speak up about improving things is that its the way it is and to shut up.This is a good example, why i have hard time see something "constructive" here. (double karma decrease, and making things personal)Dont bring you logic hereWe're in the same boat with the OSPF bug causing full routing crash's. Macgaiver doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between "crying" and constructive criticism, He's quite happy to roll over and accept the path we're heading down with ROS
It's simply not true. There are zero changes there. Maybe a bald eagle sat on your antenna during the upgrade, and made the antenna tilt down. He flew away when you downgradedI see you've ignored the bit where I showed you 4.13 normal wireless is worse than 4.10 wirelessguys, stop fighting!
as I said, nobody is forcing any new packages on you. ignore the package, and everything will be the same. no other files were changed, the package is completely separate.
I can confirm that, running rc02 full bgp, 22 bgp peers , ospf e running flawless dispite a thousand of rx drops a day.Known problems that caused OSPF to crash are fixed and these fixes were backported to v4.13. If you still have OSPF crashes with v4.13 then you have to contact support with new supout files. Have you previously contacted support about OSPF problems, can you give a ticket number?Dont bring you logic hereWe're in the same boat with the OSPF bug causing full routing crash's.
no other files were changed, the package is completely separate.
so, who's right?Known problems that caused OSPF to crash are fixed and these fixes were backported to v4.13.
Are you saying that RB's like the RB-411U will not benefit from this feature it is rather important. If not what RB's will support this please could you supply a list that would be able to support 3G modems?for future RouterBOARDs, usb power reset allows you to reboot a 3G modem without rebooting the router. This will also help the modems, that can't load normally upon reboot.>added USB power reset feature
Will this address the issues we have been having with USB GSM Modems?
I am looking for more information here too. We will probably tear out our 411U's that are in service with USB modems shortly (within days) because of this very issue with "invalid" or recreated usb ports with an ever increasing PPPx numbering each reboot. We are using ZTE and Sierra modems, and have tried all ROS versions 4.6-5.0b3, done Netinstalls, reset-configs etc, but the behavior is the same when it comes to the USB GSM modems. Its worth mentioning that ROS x86 on a PC clone board does not seem to suffer this USB bug, at least not in our testing environment.Are you saying that RB's like the RB-411U will not benefit from this feature it is rather important. If not what RB's will support this please could you supply a list that would be able to support 3G modems?for future RouterBOARDs, usb power reset allows you to reboot a 3G modem without rebooting the router. This will also help the modems, that can't load normally upon reboot.>added USB power reset feature
Will this address the issues we have been having with USB GSM Modems?
Yes, i can confirm freezing of rb600. This is from 4.10 yet, but without using nv2. Just using standard 5ghz card and higher usage of ethernet ports. It is very dissapointing. So much money and no stability. And watchdog doesnt help me ... Ping packet is passing through , but rb600 rebooting of watchdog timer (using same watchdog address ...). Shit you repairing that bug/s. Its your enthusiast/s device ...Just to jump in with a warning ... It appears that MT 4.13 + NV2 npk are causing RB600 to freeze. This is not yet confirmed and 100% sure, but if you plan on putting 4.13 + NV2 on RB600, take caution.
We'll see what will be reply from MT support.