You need to set u loopback interface, add loopback address, set up ldp transport address and make VPLS tunnel to loopback addres.
show by example how to do it right
may be the reason?
I have to routerborde 2 cards are connected through three houses, each on routerbordu.Ya wanted to do for each VPLS tunnel.
2 houses are hanging on one card and 2 tunnel already working, I can not get to work 3 tunnel through another card
I combined the two wireless cards in the bridge and added it to the MPLS interface. set bridge address and ordered him to set up connections to other VPLS routerbordah and created a connection on it for each board to its ip and individual id.
Added all VPLS connections to a separate bridge and add the ethernet (similarly done with connections to be connected to the base boards).
What does not work:
connections to all routerbordy work but interesting
on one card and ping and the data leave
And the other is not given that konekt VPLS tunnel shows that works!
and ping with routerborda through this card is coming!
screenshot attached