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v4.16 released

Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:25 pm

What's new in 4.16 (2010-Dec-20 10:21):

*) fixed problem - could not update license for
old style 7 digit software-id's;
This fixes upgrades from v3.xx to v4.1x where license could get lost.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:57 pm

routing process crash fixed?
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:27 pm

routing process crash fixed?
which version introduced it?
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:36 pm

routing process crash fixed?
which version introduced it?
for me since 4.10.

for some reason when a routerboard running ospf and ibgp shutdown or reboot, some routers on network crashed the routing process ( the cpu goes 100%) and only goes back with a reboot. everything related to routing goes down.

up to version 5rc01 the same ocurred with x86 versions. since 5rc02 up to the lastast rc5 when the crash trigger happens , the routing proccess restart (which is better then a total crash ) so we lost all our 26 bgp peering sessions that couses a total colapse on our network for about 2 minutes..

we have 2 border/core routers ( octa core HP ML350) and about 30 rb450 to 1100 as PoP routers. that problem was reported to support and i allways update them with new info. our maximum bgp session uptime was 8 days. i'm really worried because we put a lot of trust in mikrotik / routeros and that routing problem with ospf/bgp put our SLA down to the ground.

its a really weird problem , i think is caused by ospf election or something like that when a peer goes down. most happens with a peer with more than one ospf path goes down. i'm trying to fix setting all our ospf routers with priority 0 only leaving our border routers with a bigger priority so with that no ospf election will occour when a ospf peer goes down.
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:24 am

did you report it to support ?
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:22 am

Routing crash was fixed for us in 4.13
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:34 pm

did you report it to support ?
yep! since dec 03

Ticket#2010120266000564 last update from me was five days ago with new suppout files from the lastast crash.
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:39 pm

Routing crash was fixed for us in 4.13
I updated a lot of our pop routers to 4.13 and some of them still crashes ( 100% cpu and no routing at all) and our 5Rc05 differs from the 4.13 because they just resets the routing proccess as i said before.

we run version 5 because its the one that works with our HP ML 350 CORE Router (servers) . and thank god we run version 5 because for sure i would been fired if our router core just crash the routing proccess and stay crashed like the version 4.
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:18 am

Hello we have RouterBoard 133.
I have tried several times to update my ROS 3.30(License key already updated) to 4.15 then 4.16 but i haven't success.
I tried install both 4.15 and 4.16 combined packages and also all_packages of two versions but system every time
give me error and said: (Following message getting from after 4.16 all package installation)
"broken package system-4.16-mipsle.npk"
"verified package security-4.16-mipsle.npk"
"verified package routerboard-4.16-mipsle.npk"

So whats the problem both 4.15 and 4.16 system packages are broken?
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:29 am

Major bug to report, when upgrading RB/493 to 4.16, all Ethernet ports disabled. A site visit required to manually reboot Mikrotik then everything is fine. This happened on (2) RB/493's I just upgraded. Good thing I had a power reboot device at the site 2 hours away...
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:44 am

Something like this on RB450G.

First I upgraded from v4.11 to v4.16, rebooted, router came back without a problem.

After 2-3 minutes I upgraded firmware from 2.28 to 2.29 using "system routerboard upgrade", then "system reboot". Router did not come back... I had to drive there and manually unplug/replug to get it back. After this it seems to work ok, did some "system reboot"s, it booted successfully.
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:44 am

I have tried several times to update my ROS 3.30(License key already updated) to 4.15 then 4.16 but i haven't success.
Like the changelog says, there was a bug in v4.15 that erased the license.

Do NOT upgrade to v4.15 under any circumstances, use only v4.16. If you lost your license, email support.
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:58 pm

I have tried several times to update my ROS 3.30(License key already updated) to 4.15 then 4.16 but i haven't success.
Like the changelog says, there was a bug in v4.15 that erased the license.

Do NOT upgrade to v4.15 under any circumstances, use only v4.16. If you lost your license, email support.

I had lost the license of a 433 upgrading from 3.30 to 4.15 ( before 4.16 lounching ) , after lounching of 4.16 i use netinstall to install 4.16 and after installation the RB reports no license, i click in update license button and my license comes back.. :D

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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:34 pm

Having some odd FTP issues since 4.16.

First thing is my VPN (PPTP) stopped working properly, and the static routes I had set up to go through the tunnel for some private IP's failed working but I got that going.

But now I can't FTP into sites out on the internet. I don't have any major rules on this one router. Static routes mainly through the tunnel. I am natting some private 10.x.x.x ip's.

I have a public so I basically only go through one filter chain which is "forward accept" .

No mangling or anything going on right now.

The odd issue is that I rebooted the router, and as SOON as it started to ping I tried to FTP and it worked. But then after the router was up for about 30 seconds it stopped working again.

(On a PC)
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:35 am

Same problem with 493ah here, I updated from 4.14 to 4.16 after reboot the PPP menu was missing and all settings lost, even with another flash to 4.16 and new reboot. I downgraded back to 4.14 and restore my backup puhhhhh...... With 4.14 I have a problem with the reboot signal from winbox , I must unplug the power to bring the router back online.
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:16 pm

wispwest, which version was installed on your RB493?
Do you have any specific on the configuration?

As one thing I could think about is MAC-address, that was changed during upgrade/reboot and caused downtime on your router (when you have dynamic MAC-address settings in bridge).
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:02 pm

routing process crash fixed?
did you report it to support ?
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:02 pm

Hi normis
what about nstreame stability on 4.16? is the problem still open? after 3.30 Nstreme for us became a disaster in our wi-network
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:05 pm

Hi normis
what about nstreame stability on 4.16? is the problem still open? after 3.30 Nstreme for us became a disaster in our wi-network
what problems do you mean?
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Re: v4.16 released

Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:49 am

routing process crash fixed?
did you report it to support ?

omidksonri are u having routing crash too?
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Re: v4.16 released

Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:39 am

Yes . since a long time ago . first i thought it is a problem in pppoe but mikrotik support said the problem was routing crash .
i have sent more than 30 supouts to them with different versions.
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Re: v4.16 released

Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:42 pm

Yes . since a long time ago . first i thought it is a problem in pppoe but mikrotik support said the problem was routing crash .
i have sent more than 30 supouts to them with different versions.
It's bad becouse U and I have a problem, but it's good becouse we're not alone with that problem. I hope it get fixed someday.
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Re: v4.16 released

Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:08 pm

I would like to ask if the 100% cpu issue is fixed in 4.16.
I have that problem in 433ah with v4.1 every 5 days.

My guess is that it is just a bug on the display and not actuall situation of 100% cpu usage since I don't get any lags, I connect to winbox and I change everything fast, etc.

What do you sugest?Upgrading or is it safe for my equipment to stay in v4.1?
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:46 am

I would like to ask if the 100% cpu issue is fixed in 4.16.
I have that problem in 433ah with v4.1 every 5 days.

My guess is that it is just a bug on the display and not actuall situation of 100% cpu usage since I don't get any lags, I connect to winbox and I change everything fast, etc.

What do you sugest?Upgrading or is it safe for my equipment to stay in v4.1?
Do you run ospf in this routerboard?
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:23 pm

Do you run ospf in this routerboard?
No.I think (from the things I have read here) that routing crashes.As I don't use routing this doesn't affect the performance but it does effect the display of cpu usage.
PS: I updated yesterday a 433UAH from v3 to v4.16. No problems at all loosing the license.Waiting 5 days to see if the 100% cpu is still present.I will let you know.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:50 pm

Yes . since a long time ago . first i thought it is a problem in pppoe but mikrotik support said the problem was routing crash .
i have sent more than 30 supouts to them with different versions.
It's bad becouse U and I have a problem, but it's good becouse we're not alone with that problem. I hope it get fixed someday.
What version are you using currently? We and a few others have had routing crash's until it was fixed in 4.13
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:35 pm

I have sent another autosupout about routing crash in 4.16 to mikrotik support . no progress
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:00 pm

Yes . since a long time ago . first i thought it is a problem in pppoe but mikrotik support said the problem was routing crash .
i have sent more than 30 supouts to them with different versions.
It's bad becouse U and I have a problem, but it's good becouse we're not alone with that problem. I hope it get fixed someday.
What version are you using currently? We and a few others have had routing crash's until it was fixed in 4.13
we're using 4.13 on 450G's and rc5.05 on our two x86 core routers.
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:02 pm

we're using 4.13 on 450G's and rc5.05 on our two x86 core routers.
if you are using such old version, why are you reporting about crashes in v4.16?
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:24 pm

we're using 4.13 on 450G's and rc5.05 on our two x86 core routers.
if you are using such old version, why are you reporting about crashes in v4.16?
its quite simple Normis. Becouse other users are still having the same problem, and most important, since 4.13 till 4.16 there's no changelog about the routing crash. We have a quite large network with more than 30 points of presences and we cant update every day. Here we love mikrotik, and i changed my boss mind about cisco and juniper to put mikrotik here. but these routing crashed in our fully routed network is causing a lot of SLA problems. The Rc5 version crashed but restarts the routing proccess and we lost all our 8 ebgp sessions and our internet connectivity for about 2 minutes, and our pops running 4.13 get something like a proccess loop 100% cpu routing crash and we have to manualy reboot the router during the day.

can u assure that routing crash have been nailed down and fixed in 4.16? if yes i will update tonight. but i dont think so becouse other users reports about routing crash.
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:27 pm

which other users? routing crash was fixed after v4.13, as the "other user" beccara confirmed. I know of no routing crashes, and we have no such reports in support.
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:36 pm

which other users? routing crash was fixed after v4.13, as the "other user" beccara confirmed. I know of no routing crashes, and we have no such reports in support.
OK gonna try the newer one but if you read the beccara post, u will see that his statement is about its have been fixed for him since 4.13 not after 4.13 and here 4.13 still crashes.

About the crashes u can talk with Maris, about the ticket #2010120266000564.

Thanks! I hope the newer 4.16 fixes the crashes!
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:49 pm

I did upgrade from 4.11 to 4.16 for 433ah
low performance with xr 2 and xr 5 wireless cards
diffuculties with connections for clients and PTP
with same sitting as before for 4.11
noticed that after upgraded to firmware 2.29
any suggestions
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:57 am

which other users? routing crash was fixed after v4.13, as the "other user" beccara confirmed. I know of no routing crashes, and we have no such reports in support.
OK gonna try the newer one but if you read the beccara post, u will see that his statement is about its have been fixed for him since 4.13 not after 4.13 and here 4.13 still crashes.

About the crashes u can talk with Maris, about the ticket #2010120266000564.

Thanks! I hope the newer 4.16 fixes the crashes!
Sorry ill be very clear, we had routing crashs from a ospf/bgp setup we put in on ros 4.6 it was fixed for us in 4.13 for us, if you are having crashs with 4.13 it must be from another bug
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:03 am

We send a supout about routing crashing on an RB1100 on 12/26.

[Ticket#2010122666000055] RE: Router Stops Passing Traffic
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:03 am

which other users? routing crash was fixed after v4.13, as the "other user" beccara confirmed. I know of no routing crashes, and we have no such reports in support.

Normis we also are having problems with ospf . We simply disabled it and are no longer using it.
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:36 am

which other users? routing crash was fixed after v4.13, as the "other user" beccara confirmed. I know of no routing crashes, and we have no such reports in support.

Normis we also are having problems with ospf . We simply disabled it and are no longer using it.
please send supout.rif files to support, we have no other reports like this, maybe it's an isolated situation or specific configuration
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:15 pm

i use ospf since 4.13, but my setup is very simple.I have 7 x86 mt routers connected to switch and they exchanges routers via ospf without any problem.uptime from 3d to 15d. Just my 2 cents
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Re: v4.16 released

Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:30 pm

Hey Normis,
v4.16 NV2 works great but the 2.4 side has to be dialed back to straight B to not have extreme latency. Any ideas?
On straight AP boards - 2 XR2s and RB433 - had to turn off NV2 wireless in packages and activate the normal wireless. Even then the straight B has to be used.

v3.30 has not had these issues.

What would you recommend?

Thank you,

Here is a link to more comments in the forms that I made.
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Re: v4.16 released

Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:21 am

4.16 cannot configure tx-power?

it always set to default if I set to 30db it shows 19db (default)

I think 4.16 mipsle wireless and wireless-nv2 broken...
established wireless link but cannot ping!
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:03 am

I confirm that in RB433UAH version 4.16 the CPU 100% problem is NOT present after 5 days of tests. :D
I am now upgrading one 433AH with the same version and see if the problem is also solved there.

I can manually change tx-power.Haven't tested changing tx-power up.Only down to regulative domain.
Established backhaul link and works ok.I can ping the other side.
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warning about upgrading the firmware to v.29

Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:43 am

Firmware upgrade (from v.28 on RB493AH) caused router not to startup (no status lights on any eth port, blue light on). I had it powered off manually and it started up, sys routerboard shows v.29 installed.

EDIT3: I may have been premature in my diagnosis. Yesterday, I observed one of the queue tree leafs downloading at burst speed for over an hour (it should be 10minutes max). I also saw queue tree reseting which coincided with scripts making changes to a disabled interface. Today, 16 hours, later I see burst working just fine...and no queue tree resets. The only difference is 50% less traffic as far as I can tell...
Last edited by rmichael on Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:33 am

Still having issues with the NV2 wireless package, I did some more testing tonight and here are a few problems I still have. Some clients have no connection stability while running NV2. Good signal strengths, fair CCQ but client continually disconnects with various errors in the log related to time outs in control frame, synchronization and medium-access. Another issue that I am seeing with NV2 is that with 4.16 I have been unable to manually set data rates even though frequency mode and country are set. When you set the data rates to configured rates clients disconnect and won't reconnect unless you set rates to default. Also if you are running the NV2 package and running the AP in 802.11 mode clients randomly stop passing data, they are still associated with the AP but you can't ping, mac ping or telnet to the clients unless you disable and re-enable the AP interface. The clients will then work normal for a random period of time.

Roll the AP back to standard wireless package and the issues go away.

I will send SPouts from one of the clients and the AP while running NV2.
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Lost key on upgrade from 3.x to 4.16

Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:25 am

I upgraded several 411 CPE’s tonight from 3.x to 4.16 and one of them has lost the software key. This is a unit that is over 30 miles away and I really don’t want to have to do a truck roll for this. Can you please send me a new key for this unit, I have about 22 hrs to get it installed. I sent an email to support with the software ID and attached the spout from the unit also.

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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:26 pm


Which version was installed previously on your router, where you lost the license key?
Please, contact support about such questions (
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:51 am


Which version was installed previously on your router, where you lost the license key?
Please, contact support about such questions (

I was upgrading several routers at the same time so I can't be 100% sure what version of 3.x it was but I am pretty sure it was V 3.10 that was upgraded from. I sent the supout file from the upgraded RB to support with my request for a new software key.

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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:05 pm

I am pretty sure it was V 3.10 that was upgraded from.
do you updated the license key before upgrade ?
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Re: v4.16 released

Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:51 am

I am pretty sure it was V 3.10 that was upgraded from.
do you updated the license key before upgrade ?
License updates were not supported in v3.10, this feature was added only in v3.28

Also, its' recommended to upgrade to v4.16 first, and only then issue the license upgrade command.
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Re: v4.16 released

Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:57 am

I am pretty sure it was V 3.10 that was upgraded from.
do you updated the license key before upgrade ?
License updates were not supported in v3.10, this feature was added only in v3.28

Also, its' recommended to upgrade to v4.16 first, and only then issue the license upgrade command.
I upgraded from 3.x to 4.16 as I have on ~ 75 clients and for some reason this one client lost its license without giving me the option after the upgrade to update the key. This was the only client that I had the issue with.
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Re: v4.16 released

Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:20 am

I've just installed 4.16 on a RB112 - seems fine except that I can't get a working 'new terminal' either from within Winbox or telnet from outside, so can't upgrade the firmware. (I think it was from v3.30.)

"New teminal" brings the terminal screen up and the MT logo after a 5 sec. hang but the command prompt never materialises.
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Re: v4.16 released

Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:52 am

I've just installed 4.16 on a RB112 - seems fine except that I can't get a working 'new terminal' either from within Winbox or telnet from outside, so can't upgrade the firmware. (I think it was from v3.30.)

"New teminal" brings the terminal screen up and the MT logo after a 5 sec. hang but the command prompt never materialises.
I had that issue and solved it by downgrading then upgrading.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:03 am

I had that issue and solved it by downgrading then upgrading.
Thanks. I managed after an hour or so to successfully downgrade it back to 3.30 and decided to leave it there. I've learned in the past that trying to keep up with the latest RouterOS 'stable' release is for those who like living dangerously.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:07 am

Something like this on RB450G.

First I upgraded from v4.11 to v4.16, rebooted, router came back without a problem.

After 2-3 minutes I upgraded firmware from 2.28 to 2.29 using "system routerboard upgrade", then "system reboot". Router did not come back... I had to drive there and manually unplug/replug to get it back. After this it seems to work ok, did some "system reboot"s, it booted successfully.
i have the same problem rb433 ros 4.16 when update bios fro 2.20 to 2.29 the router did not come back ,and now what can i do ?
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:45 am

chrismarine Do you have local access to the router?
It would be great you can provide us with console output, which is shown after firmware upgrade reboot.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:52 pm

The 2.29 is the correct firmware in 433 ,I say this because the site of routerboard .com the correct firmware for 433 is 2.25? :shock:
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:42 pm

RouterBOOT booter 2.17

RouterBoard 433

Authorization: Passed
CPU frequency: 300 MHz
Memory size: 64 MB

Press any key within 2 seconds to enter setup..
loading kernel from nand... OK
setting up elf image... OK
jumping to kernel code
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:13 pm


what is the version, that was installed before on your router?

- you have upgraded RouterOS on it;
- run /system routerboard upgrade and /system reboot;
- then you get the described output. Correct?
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:07 pm

The problem was solved when I enter to console and I reset the (bios) bootloader! from the bootloader menu .
to get the console had to push a switch on 433 and simultaneously attach the power plug in ,
I understand that I joined Alternatively bootloader 2.17
the previus software version is ros 4.10
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:42 am

chrismarine, do you have any other RB433 with the same behavior. I tried on mine upgrade to v4.16, it seems to work fine for me.
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:42 pm

I've just installed 4.16 on a RB112 - seems fine except that I can't get a working 'new terminal' either from within Winbox or telnet from outside, so can't upgrade the firmware. (I think it was from v3.30.)

"New teminal" brings the terminal screen up and the MT logo after a 5 sec. hang but the command prompt never materialises.
I had that issue and solved it by downgrading then upgrading.
this issue comes up on several 133C's I have. On the 112's the problem is less.
When I try to open terminal locally cpu shows 100%. Only the welcome screen comes up after a while and then termina seems to stall. CPU stays 100% until I close the terminal window.
Remote telnet session log in and then after a sec or so dissconnect. Sometimes when I try even a running winbox connection to that rb drops off.

Usually one or two (yes, sometimes it is needed twice!) powercycles solve the issue. Sometimes the problem is more persistent, even after a power cycle some units still have the issue.
I noticed that the problem is worse when a full ROS install is done so hardly any memory is left on the rb112 or 133C.
By removing the not needed packages things improve.

I also noticed that disable NV2 package and enable the normal wireless the problem is less and the rb starts up and works faster.

The rb112 is faster with 4.16 version in all winbox commands anyway then the rb133c. That last one regurlarly takes ages to start a session or show alterations I performed. Weird, you should expect otherwise.
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:01 am

unfortunately, I have not another 433 for testing!
certainly believe that something is wrong with this firmware !
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:15 am

I've just installed 4.16 on a RB112 - seems fine except that I can't get a working 'new terminal' either from within Winbox or telnet from outside, so can't upgrade the firmware. (I think it was from v3.30.)

"New teminal" brings the terminal screen up and the MT logo after a 5 sec. hang but the command prompt never materialises.
I had that issue and solved it by downgrading then upgrading.
this issue comes up on several 133C's I have. On the 112's the problem is less.
When I try to open terminal locally cpu shows 100%. Only the welcome screen comes up after a while and then termina seems to stall. CPU stays 100% until I close the terminal window.
Remote telnet session log in and then after a sec or so dissconnect. Sometimes when I try even a running winbox connection to that rb drops off.

Usually one or two (yes, sometimes it is needed twice!) powercycles solve the issue. Sometimes the problem is more persistent, even after a power cycle some units still have the issue.
I noticed that the problem is worse when a full ROS install is done so hardly any memory is left on the rb112 or 133C.
By removing the not needed packages things improve.

I also noticed that disable NV2 package and enable the normal wireless the problem is less and the rb starts up and works faster.

The rb112 is faster with 4.16 version in all winbox commands anyway then the rb133c. That last one regurlarly takes ages to start a session or show alterations I performed. Weird, you should expect otherwise.
NV2 runs very slow on these boards. I see 50% bandwidth compared to nstreme/802.11.
Looks like NV2 eats a lot of cpu.
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Re: v4.16 released

Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:17 pm

we see Nv2 solwer then Nstreme on any PMP real conditions.

We see it as 50% slower then old nstreme.

I reported to uldis and opened a ticket with several supout.

We played about all the values of tdma without any performance increase.

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Re: v4.16 released

Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:28 pm

RB-450G ROS 4.16 have some troubles:

1. When I reboot it from winbox - it shoutdown, not reboot
2. Same problem with watchdog - if error occured, device shutdown not reboot

All my five RB-450 with ROS 4.16 work same way.

I've downgrade my RB-450G to 4.13 and all become ok
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Re: v4.16 released

Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:26 pm

Same thing with RB433UAH.

Upgrade from v4.11->v4.16, reboot, success.

Then upgrade firmware from v2.27->v2.29, reboot from winbox, fail, router hangs.

This time I was watching the console, which showed the following:
MikroTik 4.16
MikroTik Login:

Stopping services...
..and it halts here. I had to manually unplug power, boots fine after that.
But I'm sure this is not how it's supposed to be.
Something like this on RB450G.

First I upgraded from v4.11 to v4.16, rebooted, router came back without a problem.

After 2-3 minutes I upgraded firmware from 2.28 to 2.29 using "system routerboard upgrade", then "system reboot". Router did not come back... I had to drive there and manually unplug/replug to get it back. After this it seems to work ok, did some "system reboot"s, it booted successfully.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:13 am

Hi all,

I don't see RB1100 listed on drop down menu under "Select System Type:"

Question 1 : Is it 100% compatible and functional to use RB1000 downloads?

Question 2 : If not, when will RB1100 be released? If yes, please do fix the drop down menu.

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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:48 am

carboncopy, RB1000 series package is for all RB1000x boards, RB1000, RB1100.
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Re: v4.16 released

Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:53 am

RB433 and RB411 uses RB400 packages. The zeros mean that it's not a specific model. We would need a very long dropdown if we would include all existing and discontinued products.
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Re: v4.16 released

Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:04 am

Ok, I have had issues now with several 133C3's and my conclusion is not to use rosv4.16NV2 wireless package on these boards any longer.
About 80% of the 14 boards I have upgrade are very slow or crash when NV2 wireless is enabled.
Take the radio (MT-R52) out of the routerboard and the board works normal. Boots faster, winbox opens faster, telnet session works normal.

Also disabled wireless NV2 package and enable the normal wirless package, insert same radio card in again and board boots up normal again, open several winbox windows and then telnet session, all with little or now delay. CPU only jumpt to 100% som times but then falls back to normal low values.

If the NV2 package now is enabled and the normal wireless is disabled again, the board starts up but it takes more time before I can log-in.
I open than several windows and see the CPU almost continously at 100%.
I open new telnet session and cpu jumps and stay at 100%. Terminal opens now and builds welcome screen and prompt after about 30 secs but cpu stays at 100% Even after 5 mins just on the desk the cpu just stays at 100%

After this I made a sys / reset and boot the board again.
Now it opens nicely, fast, and I can open windows and terminal session and enable wireless card (with NV2 setting) and board is still performing normally....

After this, I load my default config on the board again, it takes the script about 5 mins to finish, but after that the board runs fine.....

So why is it that these boards have these problems in working with 4.16 NV2 package?

This is now the 8th rb133C3 from 14 having this problem. Is this a bug that can be solved MT?
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Re: v4.16 released

Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:32 am

I've just installed 4.16 on a RB112 - seems fine except that I can't get a working 'new terminal' either from within Winbox or telnet from outside, so can't upgrade the firmware. (I think it was from v3.30.)

"New teminal" brings the terminal screen up and the MT logo after a 5 sec. hang but the command prompt never materialises.
I've found that RB112/RB133 are too slow for anything newer than 3.30 - they respond VERY poorly with any v4 ROS installed, to the point of being completely unusable. I have tried with multiple units, and always had to roll back to v3.30; which can be very difficult when the system is responding so poorly. Usually end up having to use net-install to roll it back.
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:48 am

I use GA-H67MA-UD2H and Core i5 2500
SSD Corsair NOVA 32GB
I managed install 4.16 successfully but after reboot :
Loading system with initrd
ERROR : Could not find disk!
Please attach it somewhere else.
I already tried changing NATIVE, LEGACY, AHCI, IDE none of them works :D
sometimes system cannot boot, disk boot failure etc..

UPDATE : 5.0rc4 and 5.0rc7 works flawless...
Please fix this for 4.16

GA-890GPA-UD3H, PhenomII X4 970, ssd corsair NOVA 64GB, Mikrotik 4.16 & 5.0rc7 (both buggy)
cannot set multi-cpu=no (via winbox/terminal) mikrotik won't boot, must disable cores via BIOS to get mikrotik works
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:24 am

After 3 weeks with 4.16 on 5 rb433 I would like to say thank you....
No problems at all and espec. no 100%cpu.
Thanx Mikrotik.
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:09 pm


Please tell me how to input '?' sign in terminal? :?
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Re: v4.16 released

Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:05 pm

Why can't I remove the following store?
[admin@MikroTik] /store> print
Flags: X - disabled, A - active 
 #   NAME                     TYPE                   DISK                   STATUS   
 0 A web-proxy1               web-proxy              system                 active   
[admin@MikroTik] /store> disable web-proxy1
store is used
[admin@MikroTik] /store> remove web-proxy1
store is used
The webproxy is not enabled.
Using v4.16 on RB750G.
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Re: v4.16 released

Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:37 am

routing process crash fixed?
which version introduced it?
for me since 4.10.

for some reason when a routerboard running ospf and ibgp shutdown or reboot, some routers on network crashed the routing process ( the cpu goes 100%) and only goes back with a reboot. everything related to routing goes down.

up to version 5rc01 the same ocurred with x86 versions. since 5rc02 up to the lastast rc5 when the crash trigger happens , the routing proccess restart (which is better then a total crash ) so we lost all our 26 bgp peering sessions that couses a total colapse on our network for about 2 minutes..

we have 2 border/core routers ( octa core HP ML350) and about 30 rb450 to 1100 as PoP routers. that problem was reported to support and i allways update them with new info. our maximum bgp session uptime was 8 days. i'm really worried because we put a lot of trust in mikrotik / routeros and that routing problem with ospf/bgp put our SLA down to the ground.

its a really weird problem , i think is caused by ospf election or something like that when a peer goes down. most happens with a peer with more than one ospf path goes down. i'm trying to fix setting all our ospf routers with priority 0 only leaving our border routers with a bigger priority so with that no ospf election will occour when a ospf peer goes down.
So I know this is a really old post but I am having this same ussing happen on a cloud core running software version 6.37.1. The routing functions all reset and I loose my whole network for about 3 minutes.

I have found that what causes this is when I have an interface go down that has a lot of /32 networks on it (PPPoE) it will cause the routing process to reset. This is a major deal for me. Is there a solution that they have found or is this something that may have creeped back up in newer versions of the software?