To begin, with regard to port forwarding, I read on the wiki that I just need to add a dstnat rule. Apparently a destination a WAN destination address is expected, but what value should I use if my ISP is uses DHCP addressing? Am I also required to create a firewall in addition to this?
You can replace the destination IP address with the following combination: "in-interface=ether1 dst-address-type=local" - which means "packets that are coming into ether1 (the WAN interface) and destined to an IP address implemented on a router interface". That's close enough, and will work.
There is one computer in the house that should be denied access to all addresses except one internal address during a certain time period on certain days. Would such a rule be added as a firewall rule or as a queue? How might such a rule be implemented?
First of all: the router cannot possibly keep a machine on a local network behind the router from talking to other machines on that same local network. TCP/IP hosts on a local network talk directly, only traffic destined to networks other than the local network will be forwarded to the host's default gateway (the router). With that caveat explained, that would be a firewall rule. Something along the lines of "/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= action=drop", which would keep 1921.168.0.1 from passing any traffic through the router. It still could talk to that one internal address it needs access to, but would also have access to any other internal address as previously explained.
When I configure IPv6 per the wiki, will those changes overwrite the default stateless values? In this configuration, it appears I encounter another example where a static WAN address is expected, though my ISP uses DHCP. Thoughts?
I would suggest dropping IPv6 for now. Revisit it when you're familiar with IPv4.
I notice that with my DHCP server, clients will be assigned unallocated addresses from the pool beginning with *.254 going backwards to *.100. Is there any way to configure my DHCP server to assign IP addresses starting at the beginning of the pool?
No, you cannot change the order of assignment. Well. There is a really, really ugly hack where you chain 155 pools with one address each, but you shouldn't use really, really ugly hacks.