Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:48 pm
Not sure if I'm missing something, but I a testing a couple of 2.4 10mhz XR2 sectors with 5rc7 The AP is RB411AH 5rc7 NV2 offset 10 distance 20. Approximately 25 clients running rb411 with 5rc7 as well. In Nstreme we set customers rates to improve ccq (eg. Take out 54, 48 rates). In NV2 this appears to have no effect. They all appear to connect at the max available rate provided by the AP. Is this correct or am I missing something. Also bandwidth tests out to multiple cpe's act differently under NV2. With Nstreme I could send a quick bandwidth test to 10 clients simultaneously using TCP and get a quick feel as to wireless interference, latency, and throughput. With NV2 TCP tests look poor to multiple clients, but UDP shows excellent throughput. Anyone want to enlighten me as to what causes this? Still looking for the ultimate PTMP settings for NV2. Any other users out there please post tips and hints in this area!