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Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:22 am

I am planning on having 2 Mikrotik boxes at a remote site acting as routers and PPPOE servers for Wireless ISP Customers. The Mikrotik boxes will be both connected to a switch that has my AP's connected and I will be backhauling Radius to the radius server at my central POP. What is the best way to set this up so my Mikrotik boxes will both handle PPPOE in the event one fails. Specifically I am trying to figure out the following:

1. Should I use VRRP with my two Mikrotik Boxes or should I run them as separate independant gateways?
2. Can I overlap IP address scopes leased to our subcribers between the 2 Mikrotik boxes or do they need to be unique?
3. What is the best way to set this up so the secondary Mikrotik takes over PPPOE automatically in the event of a failure. Can I do an active/standby setup for PPPOE?

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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:28 am

Your task is easy to accomplish:
put two boxes with the same configuration (with only one exception explained below) running as your current pppoe server.
The only exception is for the ip addresses. If they are assigned statically (or dynamically) by your radius server, there's nothing to change.
If they are assigned by ip pools, make sure the pools don't overlap. There's not sync between pppoe servers in mikrotik (yet)

If the hardware of the pppoe servers are similar or exactly the same, they will loadbalance the users between them automatically. If one dies, the other one will take all the requests.

There's no need of VRRP or 1:1 configs
Hope it helps
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:26 pm

Thanks for the recomendation. That sounds easy enough. I am currently using IP Pools but may switch to using radius to distribute them so I can use one address scope for both PPPOE servers since IPV4 address space is getting harder to get.

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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:34 am

Could you please explain in details how you setup that ?

two boxes with same configuration ??

in my situation radius give ip
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:44 pm

I would also be interested in further explanation.

I would assume that the clients are getting IP addresses from radius but the PPPoE servers are both statically assigned.

It is not clear to me if you mean that setting up two nearly identical PPPoE servers next to each other allows them to functionally load balance simply by *luck*, as in first to PPPoE server to respond is used and the one with greater load should in theory respond slightly more slowly so the lesser loaded box responds. Is this what you are saying?
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:30 pm

Do you have a working PPPoE server now?
Duplicate it, give it another ip address, put it in the same LAN group and you got a redundant PPPoE server.
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:33 am


I want to implement same scenario, but i'm in doubt what to use.

I have around 45 mikrotik base stations, every of them is bridged with ONE PPPoE server via EOIP tunnel.

How can i create another pair of tunnel on the other PPPoE server, so they work together?

Thanks anyway!


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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:42 pm

Just duplicate your pppoe server, change the Tunnel ID to the remote Base Station (and accordingly add another EoIP on the Base Station with the same Tunnel ID to the Second PPPoE Server).
It might be confusing, but it's easier than you might think
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:15 pm

Slightly offtopic.
How many sessions do you have ?
Is it possible that MT can handle up to 2000 sessions - shape the traffic and nat them - without problem?
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:19 pm


Still dont understand really

i have MT with ip ex. lan side and X.X.X.X wan side.
how can i add another MT with same config and same ip address so that MT will be redundand???
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:12 pm


be more specific about two identical servers?

how they exist with same ip addressing in real time?
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:39 am


I am about to set up the same thing but my RADIUS server is handing out static, public, ip addresses. What I am trying to figure out is how to route packets coming back in (from Internet). How do I know which of the two MikroTik PPPoE servers
is the appropriate "next hop"?

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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:00 am


be more specific about two identical servers?

how they exist with same ip addressing in real time?
When i mean identical servers, i mean same profiles. It's obvious that they should have different ip addresses, and they will NAT accordingly to the IP you assigned.

I am about to set up the same thing but my RADIUS server is handing out static, public, ip addresses. What I am trying to figure out is how to route packets coming back in (from Internet). How do I know which of the two MikroTik PPPoE servers
is the appropriate "next hop"?

Your configuration requires some kind of dynamic routing (usually IBGP does the job) between the PPPoE servers and your gateway
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:13 am


My scenario is:
One provider - uplink ex.(actually public ip is there)

Main router:
wan: ex.

I want to add second router and to be redundand if main router stop ,second to take over.
Notice:only one provider and that provider route ip blocks via that
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:41 am


My scenario is:
One provider - uplink ex.(actually public ip is there)

Main router:
wan: ex.

I want to add second router and to be redundand if main router stop ,second to take over.
Notice:only one provider and that provider route ip blocks via that
You might need to ask to your provider another IP ( which shouldn't be a problem since it is already a private IP
Put a switch (or a QoS) between your Gateway and the two PPPoE Servers, and configure them like this (Example)
Main router:(PPPoE 1)
wan: ex.

Second Router:(PPPoE 2)
wan: ex.
Then again put both client interfaces on a switch which will be the gateway for your clients.
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:27 pm

Yes this example its ok but ...

i have public ip block which is routed via my provider, ex. class ips X.X.X.X/21 is routed via X.X.X.2/30 (my side wan)

customers have public ips from block x.x.x.x/21

Maybe only solution is vrrp? I tru vrrp on wan ip its worked, but problem is lan segment where is radius server (if i put vrrp ip on that interface radius server dont comm. with radius client on MT) and also problem i have on customers interface i cannot get master /slave combination, i always get master/master - VRID was set properly
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:40 am

Put a Router (QoS) with that IP X.X.X.2/30
Then do IBGP for those /21 IPs between the two PPPoE Servers and you are done.
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:44 am

Sorry i dont explain complete network

I have one router with 3 ethers

that router is also PPPoe server

1 ether - wan public ip.2/30
2 ether - lan network to comunicate with radius(public ips /28)
3 ether - clients (public ips /24)

how can i put one more router which would be redundand router , backup router, but traffic will not goes via that router, only when main router was down then backup router take over.
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:55 am


I thought I would share my experience of recently setting up redundant PPPoE servers w/ RADIUS. So far, it would seem that redundancy is not possible. I am testing on a small portion of our 400 CPEs. We are a WISP and the PPPoE servers (RB493s) are located in our central location. I have both servers plugged into our main switch and there are five backhaul radios which leave this location.

On the backend, the servers share a common VLAN which includes dual RADIUS servers and the interface to our main router; a Juniper J4350. I am running OSPF between the Routerboards and the Juniper. The RADIUS server hands out static public IP addresses (from RADIUS) and the Routerboards send the appropriate OSPF messages so that the Juniper learns the correct routes. All this seems to work fine however, what I am seeing is that several CPE routers have active connections in *both* PPPoE servers.

I am guessing that when a CPE connection drops, it sometimes will re-connect to the alternate server. My Keep-Alive timeout is currently set to 180 although I've tried the default of 10 (connections would be dropping all the time) and I've also set it to zero; which just seems to make the dual-connection problem worse.

What I don't understand is why the server with the inactive connection fails to drop the session after the Keep Alive timeout has expired? In general, I have not really been able to determine if the Keep Alive is even working; or what the correct value should be. This is RouterOS 4.11. Has anyone else had a similar problem or success?

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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:16 am

So ..... anyone have redundant servers working?
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:20 am

Use VRRP, Makes it really simple
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:09 pm

I cannot get working VRRP with 3 ethers

one ether for customers(dhcp+pppoe)

one ether for server farm (also for radius server)

one ether for uplink provider

issue showing:

i loose connection with radius server on server ether and i get master-master on customers ethers
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:51 pm

In my lab I am working up a scenario with BGP to use the same IP at two different peering locations to put pppoe servers next to the network edges.This is an anycast type solution similar to DNS anycast or CDN. Does anybody know why this would not work or any tips?
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:14 pm

"same IP" for what? Because PPPoE doesn't use IP outside of the tunnel.
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Re: Redundant PPPOE Mikrotik Servers

Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:39 pm

Sorry more details:
The concentrator currently bridges eoip tunnels and runs the pppoe on the bridge. The client has pppoe service at each peering point but if the pop goes out half the customers have no endpoint. So actually the eoip endpoint would be using the same ip. Also the eoip tunnels do not automatically take advantage of the shorter path to the world if better routes along the backbone would prefer a different peering point.