I want to use the Netwatch that is built into the RouterOS and I cant seem to get it to work the way I want it. I have went to the wiki and tried applying those scripts and failed. What I want to do is when a "netwatched" hardware goes down I want to have it send me an email.
So what do I need to have to make this little beast do what I need it to do?
The MikroTik I am using has a public IP on port 1 and Private 10.x.x.x's on Ports 2-5. The "netwatched" hardware is all 10.x.x.x's. I have a godaddy account with webspace/website/email.
What I was doing was logging into my godaddy account and trying to find the email sever IP and port. I Put the information in (at least what I thought was correct) and it doesnt seem to work.
Here is what I was trying to get to work
(I was putting in my information and it didn't work at all)
The information I was following can be found on this website
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