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SRx's and compression

Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:10 am

What are the chances that the next release of MT will correctly support Compression on the SR/atheros radios? :?:
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Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:42 pm

doesn't it support that already?
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SRx's and compression

Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:54 pm

If you enable compression the MT as a client will no longer talk to the MT AP. Association but no data across the link...

Somebody needs to kill this bug at MT...

Robert :(
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Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:23 pm

> If you enable compression the MT as a client will no longer talk to the MT AP. Association but no data across the link...

this is not true, we can enable hardware compression on all types of cards we use (from very old 5211, with decent 5212 and 5213 - the only type we miss is newest 5414 = 5006X chipset) and everything works. We use mode=ap-bridge and mode=station with /30 radio networks configuration; so there is no WDS, bridges nor other stupidities. Everything works.

The only problem we have with compression is THROUGHPUT. As soon as compression is enabled, our throughput significantly drops. Significantly means around 35% so we don't use compression.
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Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:08 am

The problem I have had with SR cards is enabling compression andencryption (any type) at the same time; it completely kills the link under any type of configuration. Using either one or the other by itself allowed the link to work fine, however to me security is much more important than speed.

MT confirmed to me this is a known problem, it would be cool to see it fixed but overall my experience with this stuff has been very good so I can't complain too much! :)
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Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:23 pm

new info : we got pair of 5006X (=5413) chipset cards. Again, the situation is the same : as soon as we enable hardware compression, we get lower throughput. The actual performance hit depends on data pushed thru the link, but generally is around 25-40% compared to "compression=no" setting.

We use fast ATX computers with cpu utilization around 10% and 50Mbps wireless performance in tests, routed network design with /30 networks, no encryption, no wep, no advanced features (pptp, ipip, eoip etc). This is as simple network as it could be.

Mikrotik company, can you have a look at this?
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Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:42 am

new info : we got pair of 5006X (=5413) chipset cards. Again, the situation is the same : as soon as we enable hardware compression, we get lower throughput. The actual performance hit depends on data pushed thru the link, but generally is around 25-40% compared to "compression=no" setting.

We use fast ATX computers with cpu utilization around 10% and 50Mbps wireless performance in tests, routed network design with /30 networks, no encryption, no wep, no advanced features (pptp, ipip, eoip etc). This is as simple network as it could be.

Mikrotik company, can you have a look at this?
Are you using nstream in the same time with compresion ?
I'm not sure but nstream protocol should have some type of compression, and this could cause the problem (like tring to zip jpeg file, you don't gain any compresion, but you loose cpu time ...)