You can use Comodo 90 day free SSL cert (2048 bit, Really strong and easy). ... icate.html
Before starting you need to have a CN (Common Name). What is CN? CN is a domain name (or a sub-domain) pointed to IP address of your SSTP server. you also need a level1 or level2 email on the domain. You need the email for "Domain Verification" which is a step needed to finish cert issue process.
Also you must create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) in Mikrotik (/certificate create-certificate-request ). The only important question (MikroTik asks you some questions) is CN and passphrase.
When done Mikrotik creates two files (certificate-request.pem and private-key.pem). You will need private-key.pem later when you want to import your signed certificate from Comodo.
Here is a example:
IP of your SSTP server:
CN: (level1) or (level2)
email: admin/webmaster/ (level1) or admin/webmaster/ (level2)
If you use a level2 domain you can use a level1 email for domain name verification but if you used a level1 domain you CANNOT use a level2 email for domain name verification.
When you ping or it must resolve to
remember that CN must be a domain name NOT an IP address. Also when you want to make a SSTP connection in windows you must use the same CN which you used to make your CSR and the signed certificate is issued for that. If you use the IP address instead of domain name, windows client will NOT connect and gives an error (Error 0x800B010F: The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.)
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
You can find me on yahoo messenger by my user name here!
PS: I tried to use a self signed cert created created by OpenSSL under Linux and Windows but windows did not accept the cert, although I imported generated files in windows. Best idea is to use free online certs ( ( guide for StarSSL: ) , ... ef=freessl , , ... dv_en.html , ... icate.html )