I have a Netcomm NB6 setup as a PPPoA half-bridge. Here in NZ it's only PPPoA available. It works perfectly when connected straight to Windows XP via DHCP:
IP: 219.89.xxx.xxx
gateway: 219.89.xxx.254 (gateway on the same subnet).
However, when I set ROS to DHCP client, it picks up IP and gateway exactly as above but no communication at all.
I put its default route as distance 3.
I tried to setup gateway and IP manually, but no luck at all. The DHCP client is working, the IP assigned to the interface and the default route imported with the correct distance. The arp record for the default route exists, however it can’t be pinged. When arp-ping to the ADSL modem mac address it responds ok..
Any idea what could be? A bug?
Thank you