The scenario:
I am replacing a router / switch setup in a central cluster ina hosting center with a RB 1100 AH (just 2 servers at the moment).
I will use a bridget to an internal switch group to manage the servers there, use the other switch group for now as internal backbone.
There is a 100mbit uplinnk that is normally utilized for 1-3 mbit down, although it may peak up when I do downloads (windows iso images from microsoft, service packs etc.). or when the vpnto the 2office we do runs something. I hardly ever sees 30mbit together , though, andthe bandwidth from the offices is about 25.
1mbit of the traffic is HIGHLY time critical. It goes to a syste syncing its clock to 1ms accuary. Same to trffic from internal to 2-3 other locations, but ALL This is very low bandiwdth.
ANY use for QOS here? Given the hugh bnadwidth reserves I fail to see it.Possibly (and it will go in= on the VPN links to the offices (have it in the office upward), but i dont see the need for a generic QOS queue tree on the links to the internet and the internal server switch. Anyone disagrees with a good reason for me to learn?