My thoughts on the new RB2011 (1 SFP, 5 10/100 ethernet, 5 gigabit ethernet, wallmount case)
#1 - If this could be used for a FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home) then why 10 Ethernet ports? At most, I could see using 3 Ethernet ports. One Ethernet port for in-house customer Internet data - a Second Ethernet port for a dedicated IP SIP network device - a Third Ethernet port for a Dedicated IP-TV network. Although with with the extra ports you would not need a hub-switch to connect up more customer IP devices.
#2 - Does this new RB2011 have alarm contacts for a UPS and other devices? A UPS would need at least 2 status contacts for UPS on AC power or battery, and a set of contacts for UPS failure. Other contacts could be battery voltage and door open. Note - as a CLEC or ILEC (telephone company) you must be able to operate on battery when the AC power goes out (federal law here in the US). So how do we know the status of the UPS (or remotely test the UPS)?
#3 - Do any of the Ethernet ports supply power to a Power-Over-Ethernet device such as a SIP line powered phone? If not - then we might need a second battery power supply UPS for SIP phones.
#4 - Can this work in a Fiber Active-Ethernet and/or a G-PON network? (note - a PON network is single uplink port using passive optical splitters to/from 4 clients to up to 64 client devices in the PON.)
#5 - Is the SFP port strictly 1-gig or does it support faster fiber modules?
#6 - In a FTTx (FTTH) network of dozens, hundreds or thousands of RB2011 units, what head-end equipment is supported (for Active-Ethernet and/or G-PON networks)? Is there any testing being done with any FTTH head-end products - or is this strictly a SOHO small network product?
#7 - When will this unit be available for testing? When will it be available by the thousands - and lead time? Is there any estimated pricing? I hope this product is not priced higher than other popular FTTx (FTTH) products.
#8 - Like other FTTH products - can this be available with a 10-year warranty?
We are starting to design/build a FTTH netowork which will start at around 5,000 devices. Our next phase will be an additional 18,000 devices. At this moment in time, I do not have any hardware decisioin locked in for head-end or client devices. How do we get information and when can we review the product and find out if the price is close to other FTTH devices.
Tom Jones - Coeur d'Alene Tribe (North Idaho)