i hope the proplem in my configurations my RB
if i add "one" new user to usermanger will connect more than computer to this user
in hotsop and PPPoE, anyway i'm useing the ppp only in radius
in ppp too one username we be can used more than computer in same time !!!!
here we added this user as you see in pic
then .....
conncted ok !!
active Ok
But if connected in same username and password in same time & when first computer still on line
we will conncted !!!!!!!!
you can see the my conifg here
Code: Select all
/tool user-manager customer
add comment="" date-format=%b/%d/%Y disabled=no login=admin parent=admin password=xxxxxxxx paypal-accept-pending=\
no paypal-allowed=no paypal-secure-response=no permissions=owner signup-allowed=no signup-email-body="Your authorizati\
on data:\
\nlogin: %login%\
\npassword: %password%\
\nTo check your status and buy extended time go to address %link%\
\n" signup-email-subject="Account info" subscriber=admin time-zone=+00:00
/tool user-manager router
add comment="" disabled=no ip-address= log=auth-ok,auth-fail,acct-fail name=radios shared-secret=************\
/tool user-manager user
add comment="" disabled=no name=jn password=0123 subscriber=admin
PPPoE profile config One only=yes
Code: Select all
default change-tcp-mss=yes comment="" local-address=PPPOE name=default only-one=yes rate-limit=\
"43k/350k 43k/350k 43k/350k 20" remote-address=PPPOE use-compression=yes use-encryption=yes use-vj-compression=yes
What's the proplem here ?