I have the MikroTik x86 device (Lanner FW-8755) and trying to setup Centos 5.5 as KVM.
MikroTik OS v5.0rc10
The Manual:KVM page is useless in the procedure needed to setup any kind of linux version as a KVM guest in MikroTik.
Can someone point me to such a setup procedure?
There are several entries on KVM here, but no general setup procedure - except that of something like:
/kvm print
0 name="CentOs 5.5" cpu-count=1 memory=512MiB
disk-images=cdrom:ZeroShell-1.0.beta14.iso,hda:centosdsk.img kernel=""
kernel-cmdline="" initrd="" vnc-server= snapshot=no state=stopped
"zeroshell" is the only thing that seems to startup.
with many other i386 iso images of various linux flavors (Gentoo, openBsd, debian, dsl-linux) either:
- nothing happens or
- I get an "ATI9" that prints on console - and nothing else.
does kvm not work on v5.0rc10??
Update: As of CentOS 5.4, KVM support is included but only on 64-bit architecture processors. Thats why 5.5 does not work. Will search for Centos 5.3
Help? Does anyone know of images that work on mikrotik x86 v5.0rc10?