I have a problem with getting output from command "/tool traceroute x.x.x.x" and saving it into a variable. I want to make a script, which will run a command "/tool traceroute x.x.x.x" and send it to email by a commad "/tool email send ..".
For example, this is working:
/tool e-mail send from="xxx@xxx.xx" to="xxx@xxx.xx" subject="monitoring" body="some text here\n\n$([/system clock get date]) $([/system clock get time])"
And this is not working:
/tool e-mail send from="xxx@xxx.xx" to="xxx@xxx.xx" subject="monitoring" body="some text here\n\n$([/tool traceroute x.x.x.x])"
Output from command "traceroute" is empty.
Can you, please help me what I am doing wrong? Or it is possible to get output from this command by some way? If the question was answered earlier, I'm sorry, but I didn't found it using a search in this forum. Version of RouterOS 4.4, RB433AH.
Thank you