I am using script to send the log lines through tool/e-mail in a rb433ah.
If you use a script like the one in the wiki sending the log lines (be aware that I am saying LINEs and not FILEs) to an e-mail you can be in trouble if there is a flood attack (filling many lines in the log) or (the simplest case) if a user losses the signal all the time and simply filling many lines in the log.
This script also clears the log stored in memory from line 65000 to line 0 and back at 65000.
This is causing tool/e-mail stop working and memory of the routerboard going up and up.Also through winbox log window is very unstable (I'm not sure if I am describing it correct).
Is the solution storing the log to disk rather than memory?
Is the solution a script to check if tool/e-mail was succesfull and if not to clear completelly the log to free the memory?
Or is the solution lowering the huge log ammount of 65000 lines to something smaller?
Any ideas on that can help me more than enough.