I upgraded a 250 to 1.5 earlier today and I am seeing strange web interface problems.
I tried to reboot the switch earlier today using the reboot button and it did not work. The uptime did not change.
I have the switch connected to a web power switch and if I cycle power, the uptime resets but the reset button does not work no matter what I do.
Presently, I am unable to even access the switch using the web interface.
Earlier today it was slow and occasionally the web interface didn't respond, but tonight it does not work at all.
I get the logo and logout button with "loading....".
There are 2 javascript errors showing up:
parent.frameLoaded is not a function
http://<ip of switch>/index.html/event/seq/2
Line 2
onloaded is not defined
http://<ip of switch>/index.html
Line 1
I think this is related to the hosts tab problem and http resets/timeouts as my connection here at night is slow and latency is high. The switch is located on the east coast of the US and I am on the west coast. Ping times to the router that connects the RB250 are ~350mS.
If I manage the switch using a machine on the switch's local network, everything loads fine.
One of the problems is the engine.js does not load completely. The connection is reset before it finishes.
Only 12-17kBytes load, out of 28.2kB. That's why the javascript errors occur.
This has been a problem for several versions. Is there a fix in the works? Remote management is required.