So it seems that ROS 5.x has a memory leak:
Router 1:
ROS 5.2
OSPF, BGP x 1 instance, MPLS,BGP Signalled VPLS
Contrack on, No NAT/Mangle/Filter rules
Bridge Ethernet to bridge containing BGPVPLS.
Low traffic
Memory usage: Stable
Router 2:
ROS 5.2
BGP x 1 instance, PPPoE server x 2, 7 PPPoE sessions
Contrack on, No NAT/Filter rules, 7 mangle rules doing mark packet/connection, 14 changle MSS rules, Wireless WDS with WDS’s bridged for PPPoE
Low Traffic
Memory usage: Increasing slowly
Router 3:
ROS 5.0
BGP x 1 instance, PPPoE server x 6, 29 PPPoE sessions
Contrack on, , No NAT/Filter rules, 7 mangle rules doing mark packet/connection, 58 changle MSS rules, Wireless WDS with WDS’s bridged for PPPoE
Medium High traffic
Memory usage: Increasing rapidly, Has locked up when usage hits 90%+
Router 4:
ROS 4.16
BGP x 1 instance, PPPoE server x 7, 26 PPPoE sessions
Contrack on, , No NAT/Filter rules, 7 mangle rules doing mark packet/connection, 52 changle MSS rules, Wireless WDS with WDS’s bridged for PPPoE
High traffic
Memory usage: Stable
Router 5:
ROS 4.10
OSPF, BGP x 2 instance, MPLS,BGP Signalled VPLS, PPPoE server x 3, 89 PPPoE sessions
Contrack on No NAT/Filter rules, 7 mangle rules doing mark packet/connection, 178 changle MSS rules, Wireless WDS with WDS’s bridged for PPPoE
Very High Traffic
Memory usage: Stable
I think anyone with ½ a brain can see that there is a memory leak that depends on traffic levels in ROS 5.x, ROS 4 devices under heavier load suffer no such memory problems where as 2 routers running ROS 5.x have become unstable with CPU’s stuck at 100%.