At a recent Mikrotik training session I was told that if you lock in lower data rates for the clients the AP will has less potential throughput. It was explained something like this:
Situation A: all customers are connected at 11Mbps so you would have 11 "times to talk" |t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t| so the customer can transmit on any one of the 't" times.
Situation B: all customers have there data rate locked into to 1Mbps so now you would only have 1 "time to talk" | t | but this "time to talk" would have a total duration as long as the 11 section of the 11Mbps so you would have poor overall AP performance.
Hope this made sense, I know throughput speed is slowed down but my question is about AP performance.
This is news to me and would like to make sure if I am interpreting it correctly.