I don't want to be that guy that comes in flaming about a device, but I am at wit's end with the 250GS and VLAN tagging, and if anyone can help me out here I would thank you to no end. I have looked at the forums for weeks and have spent countless hours trying to get VLANs to work with no avail.
RB750G Ether3 (VLAN10) -> 250GS Ether3 (VLAN10) -> Laptop (VLAN 10 ether4)
I have tried countless configs and none of them have worked.
Ingress on port 3 was set to strict and egress was set to Always Strip.
Ingress on port 4 was set to enabled and egress was set to Always Strip.
I feel like my config may be messed up there, but I have tried many different combinations that would seem logical and they have not worked wither. I am running 1.4.
I know for the laptop it should strip off the VLAN header, and I'm assuming this is on the Egress on port 4. For port 3, I'd assume the incoming traffic would be from the laptop on port 4 which is set to strict. In one config I also had egress on port 3 set to Add if Missing and I still had no luck.