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PPP Profile Bridge Not Working

Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:03 pm

I've set up a bunch of firewall rules based on In/Out Interfaces rather than IP addresses to minimize possible errors due to incorrectly types ip addresses. It works great until i introduce VPN using PPTP.

I have a management network that has DHCP set up. I created a PPP profile where the Local and Remote address pull from a DHCP pool for the management network, as well as assigned the Bridge to the management network bridge. I've also set the bridge ARP to proxy-arp.

I expected that once it was all set up, and I connected using PPTP, the VPN would be attached to the bridge and all firewall rules would act accordingly. That was not the case. I can VPN alright, and can access devices on the same subnet, but routing using the firewall rules based on the management bridge does not apply. I've discovered that a dynamic Port is not created for the bridge and so my connection acts as if it's on it's own.

So my question is, Why isn't a bridge port being dynamically created when the VPN is connected? What purpose does the Bridge setting in the PPP Profile serve if not for that purpose? Any ideas?

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Re: PPP Profile Bridge Not Working

Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:12 pm

hey buddy
i have same hell issue today
i was bridging 2 networks through pptp
L2tp is not easy to set up :(
so i created a ppp profile and set the bridge to my bridge
bridged a ethernet interface of my RouterBoard
but if my pptp client come up i don't see the bridge port dynamicaly created
thank you
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Re: PPP Profile Bridge Not Working

Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:54 am

I think it can only be used when connecting to MT boxes using a PPTP/L2TP/PPPOE connection ... ridging%29

I was running a bridge on eth3 and vlan4 but my internet connection change and now i need to run the bridge on pppoa interface and vlan4 to get my public ip adresses on vlan4 available using the pppoa interface