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Mikrotik setup behind UBNT gear

Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:35 pm

Could someone be kind enought to please tell us how to setup a mikrotik rb to (pppoe) authenticate userswhich are connected via airmax sectors.
I have followed this guide:
Fine i understand all of that. But i'm a bit blank as to how i should setup the Mikrotik to route the users to internet. I want to user Usermanager and pppoe on a RB433AH or RB750g

Heres how my current setup is:

Client=NanoM5(stationWDS) ------>> Highsite=RocketM5 air max sector (AP WDS)----------->Mikrotik RB750g -------->> DSL line.

i know how to connect the nanom5 to the highsite sector, please tell me how to allow for pppoe to authenticate over the mikrotik and allow access to internet thru dsl line

i'm quite confused coz i'm used to using mikrotik with mini-pci cards.

can i connect all the three rocketM5 sectors to one network switch and then connect the switch to ether1 of the mikrotik? or does each rocket have to be connected to an ether interface ?
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Re: Mikrotik setup behind UBNT gear

Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:46 pm

can i connect all the three rocketM5 sectors to one network switch and then connect the switch to ether1 of the mikrotik? or does each rocket have to be connected to an ether interface ?
If you plan to use RB750G as border router, clients are terminating at RB750 and it forwards packets to Internet.
Both scenarios are possible,
- rockets connected to the switch, switch is connected to RB750. RB750 is connected to DSL router;
- each rocket is connected to separate port of RB750 (which is configured to bridge/switch);
- /ip firewall nat masquerade rule is required, when private IP addresses are used.
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Re: Mikrotik setup behind UBNT gear

Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:48 pm

can i connect all the three rocketM5 sectors to one network switch and then connect the switch to ether1 of the mikrotik? or does each rocket have to be connected to an ether interface ?
If you plan to use RB750G as border router, clients are terminating at RB750 and it forwards packets to Internet.
Both scenarios are possible,
- rockets connected to the switch, switch is connected to RB750. RB750 is connected to DSL router;
- each rocket is connected to separate port of RB750 (which is configured to bridge/switch);
- /ip firewall nat masquerade rule is required, when private IP addresses are used.
yes, exactly what i have in mind.
So, clients connected to the rocket M5 sectors are only able to access the local network (everything behind the RB750)
How would i setup usermanager and pppoe authentication to enable users to access the internet?
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Re: Mikrotik setup behind UBNT gear

Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:30 am

Better learn to use google :) ... erver.html

Read thru those and see if that helps
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Re: Mikrotik setup behind UBNT gear

Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:51 pm

so basically. the Rocket M5's must be connected to ether2 of the mikrotik and the ether1 must be connected to the Internet (dsl router) . Is that correct?

so it wont work if for eg, ether1 is connected to the same switch that the rorckets and the dsl router is connected to?
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Re: Mikrotik setup behind UBNT gear

Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:48 am

Right, since the rb750 is the gate way eth1 needs to be connected to the dsl line acting as a router for your other equipment